Chapter 56

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I slowly sat down onto the floor, joining the circle. I felt like all eyes had latched onto me, so I uncomfortably looked at the floor.

"This is Sam, she's my uh- friend." Henry said, the last part sounding like more of a question than a statement.

I glanced up at the circle again and nodded at him. One of the guys in the group took initiative and introduced himself.

"I'm Nick." Said an upperclassman looking guy. He had sandy blonde hair and very defined features.

As the group continued to introduce themselves, I zoned our slightly. I felt comfortable enough to take a careful glance at the whole group. They were a rough looking squad of college kids, none of them looked even remotely alike.

"I'm Tab." A girl said as I zoned back in to the conversation. She had very dark blonde hair, it was almost light brown. I held eye contact with her for a quick second then continued to scan the group.

Soon the introductions had ended, and everyone was looking at me, waiting for a response from me.

"So uh what do you guys do?" I questioned, crossing my legs.

"I don't know, we just kind of hang out." Henry shrugged, looking around at his friends.

I looked off into the distance where it looked like there was a bunch of people around the corner, and I could hear the stomping of their feet.

"What's going on in there?" I asked, craning my neck to try and see who was around the corner.

"Oh that's where the frat party is." Said one of the guys who I think said his name was Bennet.

I pretended not to be confused by this even though I was down right puzzled. So if the party is in there, what are all of these people doing in this room.

"In case you hadn't guessed, we are kind of the outcasts." Autumn spoke up, lighting up a cigarette.

I made a face at the fact that she was smoking inside, especially in such a small space. She must have noticed the face I was making because she quickly gave me a sympathetic look.

"Sorry, it's a bad habit." She shrugged, blowing a huge puff of smoke out.

"So, why do you hang out at the frat house if you want to party?" I questioned.

"Because I live here, and it is better than living in those small ass dorms." Henry laughed, his eyes glancing to where the party was happening.

"You live here?" I asked sort of shocked that he was a frat boy. Henry was nothing like any frat boy I have met.

"That's right, princess." A dark haired guy muttered under his breath. I barely even remembered him introducing himself. I vaguely remember him muttering something about his name being Colton.

"Do you guys wanna go to my place, I got a lot of extra art supplies for college this week so we could all just chill out and paint or something." Tab suggested, looking around at all of us.

"What do you think baby?" Nick asked, wrapping his arm around Autumn. I stared at his arm snaked her waist, they were obviously romantically involved.

"Yeah sure." Autumn agreed, and everyone began to get up. I watched anxiously, not sure if I was to go home or go to tab's house with them.

"You coming?" Henry asked, offering a hand down to me. I smiled kindly and took his hand as he helped pull me up.

"So what is her house like?" I asked, walking side by side with Henry as we left the house.

"It's not really anything special." He explained as we approached a roomy looking black truck parked in the driveway. Before I could get into the car, the girl named Tab approached me.

"Do we know each other?" She asked me, slanting her eyes.

"Uh I don't think so..." I replied, scanning her head to toe and seeing no familiarities so.

"What's your name again?" She questioned, not letting this go.

"Sam." I told her, looking forward at the truck.

"Sam... Sam Grey?" She asked.

"No, I'm sorry but you've got the wrong person." I shrugged, and strolled up to the car.

Henry was sitting in the front seat, and he nodded at the passenger seat. I assumed he was signaling for he to sit there, so I scrambled up into the seat.

"It's not that long of a drive." He reassured me, seeing the nervous look on my face.

I usually jumped eagerly at anew chance of an adventure but this was all a little much. Meeting all these new people and then rushing the opportunity to go to a house in which I have never even seen before.

Henry was right and it wasn't that long of a drive till we stopped in front of a house. The house was pretty and huge, it was all white with pink trimmings.

We all got out of the cars we took there and began to approach the house.

"Oh guys, my brother is crashing at my place for a few days so don't freak out if you see a grown man walking around." Tab chuckled.

I internally groaned at this because I really wasn't in a mood to be introduced to any new people. Henry's group of friends luckily all turned out to be nice, but you never know how someone's siblings will treat their friends.

We entered the house and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the inside of her house was just as beautiful as the outside. It was decorated with all kinds of cute little woodland creature art hanging on the walls and the floors seemed completely spotless.

Tab lead us to a room down the hall and opened the door. The room was a very large contrast to the rest of the house and was very messy and unorganized with pieces of unfinished art just lying around everywhere.

"This is her art room." Henry explained.

"Now let's get painting!" Tab excited exclaimed, suddenly reminding exactly of someone I knew, but I couldn't quite place it

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