Chapter 46

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I returned to my house early the next morning. I knew my parents most likely weren't home yet, but I still didn't plan on taking the risk. I snuck past Bradley's room, where I assumed he would have been sleeping from a hard night of partying. I peeked in and was surprised to see no one was there. I raised an eyebrow, but didn't think much of it. Maybe him and Tiffany were hanging out at her house.

I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my pants Pocket, making me jump. I pulled it out and the caller ID said beth, and I answered right away.

"Hey!" She practically shouted into the phone.

"Hi." I replied quietly, just in case my parents were home already.

"Are your parents home ?" She asked frantically.

"Uh, no not yet." I replied, peering out of the window in the hall.

"You gotta get out of there quick." She said.

"Out of where? My house?" I laughed, not sure what she was talking about.

"Your mom, she knows."

"Knows what?" I asked, my breath getting caught in my throat.

"About you and kian." She explained. My mind began to swell with questions, when I saw a car pull up in the drive way.

"She's here!" I mumbled under my breath. Beth was right, I had to get the hell out of here. I watched as my mom got out of the car and slammed the door shut, really hard. She had a pissed look on her face. I immediately ran over the the window in my room and pried it open.

I reached out and grabbed onto the tree, remembering the way that kian showed me how to do it. I carefully shimmied down the large tree halfway and then jumped the rest of the way down. I heard my mothers voice just a few feet away from me.

"I told him to stay away from that damn girl!" I heard her shout, as I hid behind the tree.

"What are we gonna do?" I heard my step dad ask as he unlocked the front door. I didn't stay around to hear the rest of that conversation, my legs took me as fast as I could go. I hurried into my car and slammed the keys into the ignition. I started up the engine and pulled out of the drive way, quickly speeding off down the street and away from my house.

They know. of course they know. how do they know? I was so careful. I am so dead.

I kept driving until I reached Beth's house. I pulled up outside of the quaint yellow house she lived in and honked the horn. Within a few seconds I saw her stumble out of the door, pulling her coat on as she jogged over to my car.
She threw open the passenger side door, and plopped into the seat.

"Where to?" Beth asked, glancing over at me.

"Somewhere." I mumbled, starting up the car again.


"What the hell am I gonna do?" I asked BETH. We were at a pond a few streets away from her house, sitting on one of the benches that over looked the dark water. It was relatively quiet , apart from the sound of ducks Paddling in water and the occasional dog barking.

"Just be honest, I guess that's all you can do now." She said shrugging. I leaned against her, sighing deeply.

"How did you find out she knew anyways?" I asked, glancing up at her.

"Your mom called me all urgent and was basically screaming and asking if you were with me, so I just assumed..."

"They're literally gonna kill me." I muttered, looking up at the dark clouds that were filling the sky.

"No they're not." Is all Beth responded with. We both sat quietly for a moment, as little drips of water began to fall from the sky.

"I wish I could go back in time. I wouldn't have slept with kian that night after the club. I wouldn't have rushed into sex, I would of waited. We could have waited, until the right moment. We could have gone on dates and romantic dinners and taken things slow. My mom would of approved and so would my step dad, and every thing would be okay. Every thing would be normal." I said, watching as the rain hit the calm surface of the pond, causing ripples of water to erupt.

"Normal is boring." Beth said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Screw normal." she muttered, causing me to crack a smile.

"I hate to I love him so much." I said, as my hair began to be weighed down by the rain.

"I can come with you to face your parents." She offered.

"No, it's something I have to do all by myself."

We stayed at the pond for a little bit longer, before the rain became too much. I dropped BETH off at her house and then started the drive to my house.

I arrived at my home, and slowly unlocked the front door. I quietly stalked out into the living room, where i saw my mom, step dad, and Tiffany. My footsteps creaked on the hard wood floor, causing Tiffany to glance over at me. She had so many expressions plaguing her face it was hard to describe. My mom was staring at my with tears in her eyes, making them look all glassy.

"What happened?" I asked quietly,still standing in the door way.

"It's Bradley, he died." Tiffany explained with a shaky voice

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