Chapter 9

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"Can you maybe not get nail polish on my dashboard?" I said to Beth.

She was attempting to paint her toe nails on the drive to school.

"If it weren't for your demand of 'early starts', I would have already done this." Beth said, carefully applying dark green polish to her toes.

"Who is even gonna see your feet?" I said, stopping for a family of ducks to cross the street.

"I'm wearing open toed shoes." She said holding up a pair of black heels. I glanced at the bottle of polish.

"Hey I like that color, can I borrow it?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll leave it in your car when I'm done." She said, and then began singing along to the Britney Spears song playing on the radio. I joined in as the background vocals, until Eventually we pulled up to Ester High.

"Is it just me, or did this school get uglier?" I asked, staring at the prison like structure of our high school.

"I think it just got about 10 times hotter." Beth said as she saw her boyfriend.

"Hey, Ben!" She shouted to him, and opened the car door.

"Beth wait." I said, because I hadn't stopped the car.

"Thanks for the ride, I'll see you at lunch." She said to me, and hopped out of the car, running to her boyfriend.

"Be safe!" I yelled after her, and she turned and waved.

After finding a parking space, I walked into the quiet school. one of the many perks of coming to school early is the fact that almost no one else is there. I rushed to the library and pushed the big wooden doors open.

I walked through the silent room, weaving through the shelves stuffed with books.

"Zoe?" I called out for my friend in a soft voice.

"Sam?" A voice said, as a small brunette girl popped up from behind one of the shelves.

I smiled at her, and ran over. After a long embrace, I realized how much I had missed her.

"It's been so long." She said in a thick British accent.

"I know! How was your summer back home?" I asked excitedly.

Apart from Beth, Zoe was one of my closest friends. She first moved here from London in 3rd grade. Zoe is the quietest girl I've ever met, and has always kept to herself. I spent most of my time when I first came to this high school hanging out in the library with Zoe and Beth. We would all skip lunch and hurry off to this room to escape. We'd read books, and talk. But ever since we got caught there in the beginning junior year , we've been forced to join everyone else in the lunch room. But whenever Zoe has free time, I know I can find her here.
I listened as she told me about her amazing summer back in the uk. Her large black rimmed glasses, would fall down a bit every time she would move her head.

We talked for a while until the bell rang, calling all students to class.


"So is that the tightest dress you own?" I teased Beth about her dark green dress.

"It's actually the second tightest so.." She said and we both laughed.

"You know what good for you for finding something your ass actually looks good in. Remember the jean drama of 2012?" Zoe laughed

"Oh my god, don't remind me ." Beth groaned, taking a seat at our lunch table.

"Oh no, here comes the bitchiest of them all." I said, as the queen bee of the school.

Her name was Elizabeth Sommers, and she looked like she came
straight out of Americas next top model. With long bleach blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes, she is a teen idol.

"Just thank god she doesn't have it out for you. I heard if you talk back to her, she'll get you expelled from the school." Beth said, glaring at Elizabeth as she walked by.

"Hey, isn't that Peter?" Zoe said, turning our attention to him. He saw me and smiled whilst waving.

"Yeah, we had dinner last night." I said casually.

"Dinner?!" Beth gasped. "so are you guys a thing again? What about that guy who you were sending kinky texts to, Kian?"

"Kian Lawley?" Zoe asked surprised.

"Uhm I-" I began to talk but Beth cut me off.

"Why does the last name 'Lawley' sound so familiar?" Beth asked.

"He's that dog who has slept with like ever girl." Zoe said.

"Well he-"

"That guy! The dangerous one ! You're having casual sex with Kian Lawley!"

Beth said loudly, causing some people to turn and stare at us.

"Tell the whole world, why don't you?"
I said, glancing around the lunch room for an escape from this conversation.

"He's gonna break your heart! What if you get pregnant... with his baby!?" Zoe started questioning.

"How is the sex?!" Beth asked, leaning over the table.

"Isn't that Ben? hey Ben !" I said looking in the other direction. I got up and sprinted to Ben, who was one of my good friends and Beth's boyfriend.

"Hey, what's up Sam?" He said confused as I linked arms with him.

"Just go!" I said, speeding us towards the eating area outside.

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