Chapter 45

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Before the prank commenced, I quickly had a change of clothes. One of the female freshmen said that I could borrow some of her clothes, considering that it was her fault the dogs had gotten loose.

I ended up wearing all black clothes because I figured if I was gonna help with the prank, I might as well do it right.

"Why are dressed like someone who listens to blood on the dance floor?" Kian asked as I strolled out of the girls dorms.

"For the good of the prank!" I explained, looking at his colorful tie die tank top. "amateur." I scoffed, causing him to laugh.

"Come on let's get out there." He said, nodding towards the door.

We both strolled outside to where all the other lower class men stood. They retold the plan, which was pretty much the same as it was just a few hours ago. Except this time, I actually got to do something important.

We were all put into groups, me and kian, Jc and another girl named Bailey, and so on. Kian and I headed off the the place where we were supposed to be, figures the place we had to be was the upper class men's dorms.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I questioned in a whisper to kian as we approached the dorms.

"Would I really put you in harm?" He asked, as if the answer was obvious.

"Yes, literally like two minutes ago I was being chased by two upset dogs." I pointed out.

"You can't blame me for that!" He argued in a hushed voice.

"I don't babe." I chuckled, and continued walking until we reached a dorm wall with a window on it. But this wasn't just any window, it was the only window throughout the dorms that was within an arms length from the ground. The rest were too tall to climb up, but this one, oh this one was the perfect one.

I made a motion to kian to explain to him that I would climb through the window first. He nodded in agreement wordlessly.

I jumped up, getting a good grip on the window ledge. I boosted my self up in mere seconds, it was practically no struggle for me considering the fact that I had just climbed a huge tree just a while ago.

"Love that ass..." I heard kian mumble quietly to himself. I laughed to myself, pretending I didn't hear him.

Luckily, someone had foolishly left the window open, and It was large enough for me to effortlessly roll into and land gracefully on the cool tile floor inside of the building.

I patiently waited for kian to follow me. He had a harder time getting through the window, considering how tall he was. He freed him self and tumbled clumsily into the room. I smiled and shook my head at him.

Without another word, we went to work for the prank. The room we were in was only dimly lit by the moon shining in through the window, though the lighting was bright enough for us to tell that it was a laundry room.

I carefully crept to the door, as kian followed me. My hand closed around the door knob, but of course it was locked. I shot kian a worried look, wondering what we were gonna do. He looked at me intensely for a moment and then pulled something out of my hair. One of my bobby pins, of course, so now we could pick the lock.

Kian bent over and began messing around with the pin inside of the the door knob. Soon after, there was a click noise and the door slid open. I gave kian a "how the hell did you learn how to do that ?" Look, and he just shrugged.

We quietly sauntered out into the main room of the upper class men dorms. It was sort of like a huge living room. Kian gave me a nudge, reminding me about the paper brown bag that I was clutching in my hand.

I nodded, and carefully took out the small cardboard box that was in side of the bag. I handled it with shaky hands, knowing the fact that there were over 500 crickets in the box. I gave kian a nervous glance, and the quickly dumped the contents of the box into the room, shutting the door immediately. I shuddered about the thought of all the crickets crawling about in the room.

Kian grabbed my hand and we rushed the hell out of the dorms. Once we were safely outside, i threw my hands up into the air in triumph.

"We did it!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Hell yeah we did!" Kian responded, lifting me up of the ground and spinning me. I laughed loudly, as he put me back down on the ground.

"We should do this again! But next time even bigger, like we should- oh we should burn down the dorms!" I shouted, earning a bewildered look for Kian. "okay well maybe not that intense." I continued.

"I like the enthusiasm though." Kian chuckled.

"We make a good team, Lawley." I said, looking up at him. I could see the reflection of the moonlight glistening in his dark eyes.

"We really do, Green." He responded, pressing his lips against mine. I grinned into the kiss as a cool breeze blew over our skin. I wanted to remember this moment forever. Little did I know, this would be the last best day that I'd see for a long time.

*I will not be posting again till about a week or so because I need to edit some things."

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