Chapter 18

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"Hey mom I'm home." I shouted, entering the house and putting my keys down.

"Oh hi honey, where were you?" She asked, looking up from her magazine.

"The hospital." I said blatantly.

"Oh fun. Don't forget you have to bring a date to your cousin's wedding in two days." She said, continuing to read an article.

"What?!" I said shocked. "Which cousin?"

"Sofia, you know the really pretty one?" She said, flipping a page.

"I don't have date to bring." I complained, two days is such a short notice.

"Oh sure you do. That cute boy who you were hanging out with the other day." She smiled to herself.

"Kian?" I swallowed hard. "I can't bring him, we aren't dating." I said.

"You know, I figured he was out of your league." She said.

"What is wrong with you!" I screamed, grabbing my keys. "I can't deal with you!"

"Excuse me?!" My mom shouted back. "you can leave, but you may not take the car!"


I ended up walking down the street alone in the cold. I still had about 2 miles to walk until I reached Beth's house. I would have called some one and asked for a ride but my phone was dead.

A familiar car drove by and began slowing down next to me.
Oh great
I began to walk faster, as the car's window rolled down.

"Sam? What are you doing?" Connor said, driving by my side.

"Nothing, just on a fun walk." I replied.

"It's freezing out." He stated.

"Yep, I've noticed that." I said.

"Come on get in the car Sam, you can stay at the dorm." Connor said, out of the window.

"I have a home, Connor." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well you have a car too, so why are you walking in freezing temperatures?" Connor asked.

"I'm fine."

"I will come out of the car and get you." Connor said.

"Why do you care?"

"Because Kian would kill me if anything happened to you. Come on it's getting dark." He replied.

"Why would he care? We're just casual sex partners, he could find another one easily." I shouted back.

"I'm gonna let you in on a secret Sam. unless you absolutely mind blowing in bed, he likes you, more than just for the sex." Connor replied

"Okay fine I'll come, but I'm only staying for a few hours." I said, walking towards the car and getting in.

"Thank you." He sighed. "So why were you walking home alone, honestly?"

"Just family problems." I said, leaning my head against the cool window


We arrived at the college, and began to walk back to their dorm.

"So, are there any frat parties going on tonight?" I asked, looking around the campus.

"Yeah, a huge one actually." Connor replied.

"Good, I need a place to clear my mind." I said, as we reached their room.

Connor unlocked the door and we entered the quiet empty room.

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