Chapter 61

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I hadn't realized that Beth was still standing there, waiting for me to say something.

"I- I have to know." I said, looking over my shoulder at the door.

"Then go ask him." She replied slowly shaking her head.

I turned and began storming towards the front door, but with each step the nervousness in my stomach built. Something was nagging at me in my brain, telling me not to do this, to just let everything go. But my heart pounded harder than it ever has, basically leading the way and just dragging my body behind it.

By the time I reached the door, my hands were so clammy I thought they wouldn't even be able to open the door. I placed one hand on the handle, drawing in a shaky breath.

I glanced behind me, Beth was still standing in the same exact place that she was when I turned and walked away. Her eyes met mine, they were filled with some sort of desperation, as if she were trying to pull me back and keep me from leaving.

I then realized I couldn't leave without her. I needed her there with me, I couldn't face him alone. She must have known what I was about to ask because of the way she slowly stalked up behind me. She didn't say a word to me, she just approached me, and glanced at my hand on the door know.

I carefully pulled the door open, and walked outside over to my car. I sat down in the driver seat as Beth got into the passenger side. I couldn't stop moving, I constantly had to keep my mind on something other than what was about to happen, or else I would realize how terrible of an idea this was.

There was no one on the street today, everyone had probably stayed home. It was too much of a shitty day to be out, the sky was depressingly grey, and everything was still damp from the down pour that had happened last night.

Every Time I stopped at a red light, I would shift my eyes over to Beth. She looked like a mix pissed and distraught, and I could tell it was because of Kian.

I mean, what could he have done to piss Beth off, she never gets mad at anyone. Yet, here she was, looking about ready to kill a man.

As I pulled into Kian's college campus, the sound of my heart pumping was all I could hear. I felt light heady and really out of it, almost as if I were floating on a cloud.

"Watch out!" Beth screamed, causing me to snap back into reality. I slammed my foot down on my break hard, making my body jolt forward slightly.

I immediately looked up to see what happened. There was a girl standing in the middle to the parking lot, her golden blonde locks had fallen in front of her face, I couldn't make out who it was.

"Elizabeth." I heard Beth say, in almost a whisper.

I looked closer at the girl, who began to push her hair back out of her face. Beth was right, it was her, I should have been able to tell by her perfect curls. Her face was turned completely red, probably because of the fact I almost just ran her over. She squinted into my car windshield, and I wanted to shrink so I was about 3 inches tall.

Then suddenly something struck me, and I began to wonder why she was here. She was in my grade, not in college. Was she visiting someone? The only person I know who goes to school here is...

Elizabeth must have finally noticed it was me who almost hit her, because a small smirk spread across her face. She was probably going to tweet about this or something and tell the whole school about how much of a "reckless driver" I am.

But then she did something that surprised me, she walked right up to the car window on my side, and tapped on it. She stared right at me, her eyes holding a sinister look that I had only seen once before.

It was the time in sixth grade, when her boyfriend decided he liked me more than her. I had nothing to do with this decision, I wasn't even interested in boys at the time. But Elizabeth was convinced that I someone seduced him into breaking up with her. That was the worst year of my life. She convinced the whole sixth grade to start calling me slutty Sam. She even started a rumor that I had herpes and everyone avoided me like I was the freaking bubonic plague. Most of the days that year ended up with me running home in tears and spending the rest of the day hiding in my bed.

I slowly rolled down the window, watching her with a careful eye.

"Hello Samantha." The way she said my name made me wish I had run over her instead of stopping.

"Uh hey?" I replied, looking over to Beth, who was giving Elizabeth a look as if she might jump on top of her and rip her apart.

"So how's the boyfriend?" She asked, dragging out each word.

"I'm actually single." I responded, unsure if I should even be giving her that information.

"Oh that's right. So he did end up telling you." She said in a mocking tone.

"Telling me what?" I questioned, feeling my cheeks begin to heat up.

"You don't know?" She giggled loudly, throwing her head back.

"Don't know what?" I asked through my gritted teeth.

"You know how he took advantage of you." She replied casually.

Her words swirled around in my head. I kept rewinding and playing them again and again. What did she mean? Was this the secret He and Beth were keeping from me? Was I about to find out the truth from one of my sworn enemies. It felt like a fire had ignited in my chest. Beth's face had completely flushed, as she just stared down at her shoes, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What do you mean?" My eyes felt hot and teary, it took everything in me not to break down.

"Wow so he really didn't tell you. About the dare, or the lies, ....or the pictures."

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