Chapter 49

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We all ended up just sitting mostly silent by the side of the creek. The dark sky glistened with stars from above us, it was a very clear night. I was kind of wondering what we were still doing there, but I think this is Tiffany's way of grieving and I wasn't about to disturb that.

A cool breeze rolled over us, making me shiver and lean closer into kian, who quickly wrapped his arm around me.

"So do you guys wanna get something to eat?" Beth muttered quietly. We all turned to look at Tiffany, who nodded in agreement.

I stood up first, wiping the grass off of my pants and the others followed my lead also rising to their feet. Suddenly I heard a deep crackle, making me jump.

"Damn." I mumbled looking up at the dark sky as pellets of water began to scatter across my face.

"Let's get out of here." Tiffany said, trotting off towards the car.

I hung back as the others sprinted off towards the car, walking at a slower pace. I never really minded the rain, I actually kinda like the smell of it anyways.

When I reached the car I pulled open the passenger side door and threw myself in. Beth and Kian both got into their separate cars and followed us to the nearest McDonalds.

Once we order all of our meals, we just piled up into one of the cars and ate silently. I barley ate because I wasn't that hungry, I mostly just stared out the window watching the rain fall down.

"What time is it?" Beth asked, sitting up.

"It's midnight." I answered, checking the time on my phone.

"Can I just crash with you guys tonight?" Beth questioned.

"Yeah, Kian can too if he wants." Tiffany replied, taking a bite of her burger.


We arrived back at my house and all piled out of our cars. I walked up to the front door and carefully pushed on it, causing it to creak open. It wasn't even locked, not that I was surprised, my mom had kind of been losing it since Bradley's death. I stuck my head through the door and saw her, or Atleast what I thought was her. She was passed out on the couch in the living room, with her dark brown hair messily covering her face. I sighed when I noticed the most likely empty bottle of whiskey lying on the floor next to her.

I turned back outside to face kian, Tiffany and beth.

"You guys can come in, I don't think moms gonna notice." I said, taking a step into the house.

Even though my mom was passed out, we all took our time trying desperately to not make noise on the way upstairs.

We decided to watch a movie for the rest of the night up in my- well now Tiffany and my room. It was some lame disney movie, don't get me wrong, I'm not a disney hater. I just wasn't really in the mood to watch a bunch of singing mice and shit.

About half way through the movie everyone else was pretty much already asleep. Beth was cuddled up next to me on the other side of the bed and Kian was over with Tiffany on the opposite side of her bed. Tiffany decided the sleeping arrangement like that, because ever since she discovered that kian and I had slept together before, she has been very wary of us being alone together. I don't blame her though, because she knows the consequences of what can happen if you do have unprotected sex. I also trust Kian and her enough to sleep in the same bed, I mean she is already pregnant.

I wasn't really that tired, so I carefully shimmied out of bed and out into the hall. I stood outside of Bradley's room, I just needed to see it one more time. I knew I wouldn't be able to let go unless I finally put my mind at ease. I pulled the door open and slipped into the room.

I never realized just how big it was, but with the bed now in my room it looked so empty. Apart from the missing bed, it was like he never left at all. Clothes were still strewn about the room, and one of his books was carelessly tossed on the floor.

I strolled over to the book and picked it up off the floor. It was some cheesy romance novel, they had always been one of Bradley's guilty pleasures, not that he'd ever admit to it. There was a bookmark sticking out between two pages about halfway through. I flipped through until I reached the book marked page. It was right on a chapter titled "running out of ways to say goodbye." how ironic.

"Sam?" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see kian standing in the doorway of the room.

"I was just looking around." I said, offering a weak smile.

"It's pretty empty in here." Kian replied, walking over to me.

"I thought you were asleep." I said, looking up at him.

"No, I had too much on my mind for that." He responded, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Me Too." I agreed, resting my head on his shoulder which was quite difficult because of his height. "I regret not spending more time with him you know." I said, pressing my lips together.

"I know." he sighed.

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