Chapter 20

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I woke up to a harsh knocking at the door. I tried to ignore the noise, but it was persistent and loud.

"What the hell?" Connor mumbled from the other side of the room.

I felt Kian get up out of the bed, and unlock the door.

"Oh." Kian sighed looking at the person in the door. "it's for you, Sam."

I rolled out of the bed, and walked over next to Kian in front of the door.

"Bradley?" I asked, when I saw my brother standing outside the dorm.

"Come on ,Sam. Let's go home." Bradley said.

"How'd you even find me?" I asked, yawning.

"Mom said you left, then Beth came over, and she freaked out because she thought you would be with her. Beth told me that you were here." He replied.

"Mom doesn't really care about where I am. She just can't stand the thought of her perfect daughter being out of her supervision." I rolled my eyes, and leaned my shoulder the door frame.

"Can you stop being a stupid teenager? You have to come home, you can't" He said, looking at Kian. I sighed admitting defeat.

" Okay let's go." I nodded. "bye." I said to Kian.

"I'll see you soon right?" He asked tiredly.

"Don't forget, we have a wedding date in a day." I laughed, and walked out of the door with Bradley.

Once we were in the parking lot, Bradley began to talk.
"So, what did you do here ?" He asked looking around the campus.

"Well, I went to a frat party." I said, avoiding the obvious answer, as he unlocked the car door.

"A frat party?! Did you get drugged and raped? " He said, getting into the drivers seat.

"Come one they aren't that bad." I lied, and sat in the passenger seat.

"I go to a college, I know just how bad they get. Did Kian pressure you to go?" he asked, starting the car.

"Nope, I went all on my own decisions. Kian isn't that bad either, okay?" I said, looking out of the window as we left the campus. Bradley laughed at me.

"He's not that bad, until he breaks your heart."

"Well who cares that I'll get my heart broken, he is just so good in between the sheets." I said sarcastically.

"I know his type, Sam. I'm sure you're not the only girl, he's been 'in between the sheets' with."

"Tell me something I don't know." I said under my breath.

"You should try things out again with Peter, he's gonna be at the wedding tomorrow. I heard he's bring a date." Bradley suggested.

"I'm bring some one too." I objected.

"Oh no, you're bringing Kian, aren't you? Just to prove some stupid point." Bradley said, annoyed.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm just getting with him to prove a point. But he still manages to make me feel a way no else ever has." I ranted, as we pulled up to my house.

Bradley didn't say anything as we walked up to the front doorstep.
As soon as I opened my front door, my mom rushed over to me.

"Thank god you're okay!" She said hugging me, as I just stood there.

"Yep. I survived."

"So where did you end up? A friends house?" She happily asked.

"Well, I ended up in Kian's bed, after we slept together." I said, and the smile dropped completely off my moms face.
The whole room went quiet.

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