Chapter 60

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"What are you doing here?" I accusingly.

"You sounded really weird on the phone, like someone was forcing you to say things." He explained, his face liked flushed.

"Okay..." I replied, making sure my tone sounded flat and lacking of emotion.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He stumbled over his own words, it was actually so adorable. We're broken up, don't forget we're broken up.

"Well I'm just peachy." I mustered the largest smile I could.

"Oh... alright." He replied slowly.

"So how's your girlfriend?" I asked, pretending to be interested.

"Huh?" He questioned, seemingly very confused.

"Your girlfriend." I drew out the word girlfriend.

"I don't- oh right. Yeah she's good." He speedily talked over himself, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

"What's up with you?" I asked suspiciously, watching him carefully.

"Uhm nothing." He narrowed his eyes at me, as if I was the one being shady.

"You're lying about something!" I accused him, his rigid body language was such a give away.

"What are you talking about?" He said, his mouth hanging slightly open.

Damn he was really sticking to his guns, I was completely prepared to break him though. I leaned in, closer to him, causing him to shift uncomfortably. It felt so empowering to have something to hold over him. I saw Beth's car pull up in front of my house. Kian heard the sound, and spun around to see what it was.

"Oh, look Beth is here... Guess I should go." He mumbled. Before I could get a word in, he booked it in the opposite direction. Dammit, I almost had him.

Beth got out of her car, and Kian almost ran into her as she blocked his path. Her soft blue eyes scanned his face and her expression hardened. She subtly shook her head at him, and it looked like he mouthed something to her.

What the hell is going on? Is there something that I don't know about? Apparently everyone else was in on it.

Kian glanced back at me, licking his lips nervously, then turned back to Beth. He looked like he was almost begging her to do something, but she just kept shaking her head. Her eyes would dart from Kian's face to mine, back and forth intensely.

I was finally fed, and began to make my way over to where they were standing on my front lawn. Maybe I would finally figure out what the hell was happening.

Beth looked up and noticed I was coming toward them. She rushed over to me, linking her arm with mine.

"What the-" I questioned, looking down at our connected arms.

"Beth- don't..." Kian yelled to her in a warning tone.

She ignored him and began dragging me back to the house. Before she could pull me inside, I glanced over my shoulder at Kian, who hadn't moved one inch. He looked completely distraught, like he wanted to chase after us, but he was glued there or something.

I suddenly felt extremely young, the way things were being hid from me. It was like I was the younger sibling and that if they told me it would ruin their plans to sneak out to a party. Like I was some tattle tale or something, someone who had to be sheltered from reality.

By the time we were into the house, I was pissed. I pulled myself away from Beth, taking a few steps back.

"What's going on?" I said. I meant for my voice to sound confident and intimidating but somehow it came out sounding whiny, like I was about to burst into tears. I felt frustrated beyond myself.

"Uh, it's nothing... nothing." Beth echoed, sounding exactly like Kian did only mere moments ago.

"I'm so tired of being told its nothing! It's obviously something!" I felt myself getting heated. It was so incredibly hard to yell at someone who looked like Beth. She looked like an innocent little girl, with her long blonde and huge eyes, and that's what she truly was. In all of our years of friendship, she almost never did anything to make mad, and especially nothing that ever hurt me, she wasn't like that. However, knowing that made this seem like such a big deal, the fact that she had to keep something hidden from me.

"It doesn't matter..." She replied hesitantly. She was obviously trying to keep something from me to save my feelings, but I wasn't having it.

"It matters to me." I responded quietly. "What do you two know, what are you guys hiding from me?"

Beth looked so strained to tell me, she opened her mouth but something flashed in her eyes and she shut it again. After a few minutes of doing that again and again, she finally found what she thought were the right words to say.

"You know I would do anything for you, whenever, and where ever... but I can't this time. It's not my secret to tell." She mumbled, staring down at the floor.

"Well then, who's secret is it?" I asked, even though deep down I knew who's it was.

Beth stayed silent again for a few moments, probably thinking about the right thing to say.

"Kian isn't the person you think he is... He is- well he's just not the person you should be around. I think you should just keep your distance..." She spoke so softly it was almost a whisper. "that way, no one will get hurt."

By now my stomach had that some feeling you get when you are flying full speed down a roller coaster ride. Except instead of safely reaching the bottom, I felt like I had hit the cement, hard. I wasn't aware that I was holding my breath until I nearly passed out. how am I supposed to respond to something like that.

I noticed something was definitely off about Kian lately, but I hadn't thought too much about it. Not until know at least.

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