Chapter 13

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"You!" I shouted, spotting Kian in a group of boys.

"Oh hey Sam." Kian said, smiling at me.

"Don't oh hey me." I growled at him and I stormed in his direction.

"Are you okay?" He asked, stepping out of the group.

"I was before I met you." I yelled angrily in his face, as the room began spinning.

"Are you drunk?" He asked quietly.

"I'm fine !" I said stumbling to the side a little. "You, Kian Lawley, you are such a dick head!" I slurred, pressing my finger into his chest

"Calm down Sam." He said, trying to grab my hand, but I pulled away.

"Calm down! You want me to calm down!" I began screaming at the top of my lungs, and a crowd began to gather around us.
"You used me, Kian! You took advantage of me! You stole my virginity!" I stumbled back.

"I did what?!" Kian said, his voice cracking.

"okay, well maybe you didn't steal my virginity, but you still did the other five things." I slurred.

"We need to go Sam, you're drunk." He said, glaring at the group formed around us.

"Wow I did not know that! Did you know I was drunk?!" I asked some random guy walking by.

"It's okay, she can come spend the night with me!" Another man from the "audience" shouted.

"Maybe I will." I said, turning to face everyone.

"No, you will not get an STD on my watch." Kian replied aggravated.

"Oh look who suddenly gives a shit about me!" I yelled, tears of rage forming in my eyes.

"Sam, please let's just go home." Kian pleaded.

"Fuck you." I said, backing up and escaping the crowd.

I ignored Kian's screams for me to come back and ran to the exit. Once outside I leaned against the cold cement outside wall of the bar. My body erupted into cold shivers and warm tears. I pulled out my phone and called Beth.

"What's up Sammy? It's really late." She said, answering on the third ring.

"I'm at this party, and Kian and I got into a fight, and I'm scared, and it's cold." I mumbled into the phone.

"Are you drunk? Hold on, stay there, I'm coming to pick you up." She said, and I heard the jingling of car keys in the background.

"I'm not drunk, don't worry, I can drive to your house." I said, hanging up the phone.

I spotted my small blue car and unlocked it using my keys. I sat in the drivers seat, my thoughts running wild.

How do I start this thing again?
Oh yeah that's right, put the keys in the ignition.
Okay we are good.
Alright, now I just-

I accidentally backed up into the black jeep behind me.

Oh oops, I'll fix that later.
Okay take it out of reverse.

I began to drive forward, and turned onto the main street.

Okay, which way is Beth's house, let's say north.

I began driving north, when sound of my ring tone repeating over and over again became annoying. I stopped the car and leaned over my phone to check it, ignoring the honking behind me.
My car quickly became illuminated by light coming from behind me.

"What the fu-"

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