Epilogue part 2

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Authors Note: *okay so long story short I felt really awful about the way I ended it before and it just seemed so rushed and shitty so I decided to add a final part. This takes place around 3 months later. By the way I realized the timing in this book is so off and like I made it so things took way longer or way slower than the would have in real life. For example, how long it took Sam to graduate. But anyways here it is: the final final part*

*Three months later*

I stared at myself in the large glass mirror I had hung in my bedroom. I smiled at the silky blue gown I was wearing, I had always imagined this day in my head. In all reality, it came way quicker than I had expected.

Isn't life funny that way?

As a kid growing up you always look forward to this day, the day you would finally graduate high school. Then when it actually comes, sure you're still excited, but your feeling of joy gets kind of shadowed in sadness. As you realize that this is the last time you're ever gonna see some people again. Your close friends will stick with you throughout your life. But what about that girl who constantly let you borrow her pen in first period history, or the boy with glasses who you'd pass everyday to geometry.

"How do I look?" Beth's voice shook me out of my deep thoughts.

"You know, that blue really matches your eyes." I replied shooting her a grin. She let out a chuckle and strut over to me.

"This is so exciting! It's like the end of an era!" She exclaimed, glancing over our gowns in the mirror.

Beth and I decided to go to the same college, University of Southern California. The education was great and it wasn't too far away from home.

Im honestly surprised I was even able to graduate, let alone get into college with everything that'd happened this year.

"Damn you guys look bomb." Tiffany said, leaning in the door way of our room.

"Thanks!" Beth and I responded at the same time.

"Let's get going, we don't want to be late." I said, grabbing my keys off the table.


We arrived at the school and were flocked by a mob of students all wearing the same identical gowns as
Us. We were all standing in the football field, which was where the graduation was going to take place. I smiled spotting Zoe and prancing over to her, dragging Beth with me.

"Hey!" She shouted, her accent evident.

"This is it huh? It started with the three of us together, and it's gonna end with the three of us together." Beth said, pushing her bleach blonde hair back.

"The holy trinity." I responding, giggling at my own joke.

"Hell yeah!" Beth exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

I saw a figure approaching where we were standing. A huge grin formed on my face as Kian sauntered over. Beth and Zoe continued in conversation as I made my way over to my boyfriend.

"Wow, they grow up so fast." Kian joked, engulfing me in a tight hug. I smirked into the hug, before slowly pulling away.

"You know, now that I'm graduating I'm not gonna be your scandal anymore. Your secret little high school girl." I told him sarcastically, lacing our hands together.

"It's perfect. Now I can brag to all my friends about my super hot college girl friend." He smiled, leaning in closer to me. I felt like a magnetic force was pulling us closer together.

Just as our lips were about to touch, I saw a flash out of the corner of my eyes. I turned quickly, groaning when I saw my mother holding a camera, with a huge grin on her face.

"Mom..." I said, slightly annoyed, giving her a 'we were kind of in the middle of something' look.

"Pose for another!" She excitedly got closer to us, snapping another picture.

My mom has definitely changed for the better. I don't know what exactly it was that got into her, but she's suddenly so supportive and proud of everything I do. I think it may have something to do with the death of Bradley, gruesome as it sounds. It made her realize that she wasn't spending enough time with her kids and was wasting our time together over just the little things. She had lost her chance with one kid, and was not going to lose a chance with the other.

Beth saw the camera and brought Zoe over besides Kian and me.

"All of you get together." My mom told us. I rolled my eyes but complied anyways.

Kian wrapped his arm around my waist and Beth and Zoe cuddled into my side. I couldn't help but feel a wide grin stretch on my face, realizing that I was surrounded by the people I loved more than anything in the world.

I wasn't worried about My relationship with Kian, even though we were going to different colleges, I knew we could manage a way to make it work.

I had already made arrangements for everyone to come and visit Beth and I every now and then. My mother, Tiffany, and baby Hunter could all take the train and be at the campus in less than a half and hour. Kian planned to visit us as much as he could because he could drive out in his own car whenever.

After the picture, we all huddled together and began to talk about memories of high school before we were called to line up for the graduation.

My eyes drifted over to a familiar head of golden hair. It was Elizabeth, although recently my hatred for her had died down. I decided to not hold a grudge on her and just forgive her. We had some sort of unspoken agreement that we could manage to get along for the rest of our senior year and then go out separate ways. Elizabeth planned to go to a different college in Texas so I knew I wouldn't be seeing much of her anymore after that.

I couldn't help but notice how happy she looked as she stood near her friends, gleefully laughing. I couldn't help but notice how happy everyone looked, hanging around with their loved ones before everything changed and they went off to college or moved.

My mind suddenly began to picture what Bradley would have been like today. His arm wrapped around Tiffany , giving me an encouraging smile. It still felt like he was here in someway, like a warmth in my heart that could never be removed.

"All seniors please begin to line up and prepare to accept your diplomas." An announcement sounded over the loud speakers

"Well, that's us." Zoe said, looking at Beth and I.

"I guess so." Beth replied, a sudden anxious energy filling up my stomach .

I looked over to Kian who was giving me a confident look, his arm still wrapped around my waist.

"I'll see you on the other side." I joked, slowly pulling away from him.

"Good luck." He told me, as I began to walk with Beth and Zoe over to where we were supposed to be.

I looked back over my shoulder at my mom, Tiffany, Hunter, and Kian. I felt my face fade into a soft smile, as Beth and Zoe nudged my shoulders from either side of me.

At that moment I knew, I was exactly there I was supposed the be.


Authors note:
there you go, a little emotional end for you guys. I hoped you enjoyed the story!!!. sorry but I don't plan on writing a sequel for this story! But I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it!!

Love you all xx

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