Chapter 23

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Beth Pov

Today is the second day of school that Sam wasn't here because she was at the wedding. Zoe was also out of school because of a nasty flu that guaranteed at least a whole week off school. With neither of them here, and the fact that I broke up with Ben, I was virtually alone at school.

I decided to sit outside for lunch, instead of being trapped inside the crowded cafeteria.

I found a spot on a green rusted bench, and placed my tray of food down beside me. I pulled my phone out and dialed Sam's number.

"Hello?" Her kind voice rang out on the line.

"Hey Sam." I said, watching a pair of students began to kiss.

"What's up?" Sam asked.

"Nothing really, just watching two students about to fornicate." I nonchalantly replied.

"Very fun. I'm actually on the car ride home from the wedding right now. Kian's here, Bradley's here, and Tiffany's here." She mumbled the last part.

"Tiffany is there? that sucks." I said, keeping my eye out for Ben.

"It really does. Anyways, how is Zoe?" She said.

"Well, she was so out of it that she accidentally ate a piece of her younger brothers plastic toy food. Long story short it wasn't coming out, so she had to go get her stomach pumped." I replied.

"That good, huh? Tell her I send my best wishes." Sam said sympathetically.
"Im going to see her after-"

"Stop." Sam mumbled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Oh sorry, I was talking to someone else." She said through her teeth.

"Should I call back another time?" I asked.

"No, it's just that Kian is being a dick." She laughed.

"I gotta call you back." I said quickly into the phone as I saw Ben walking towards me.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Ben is coming." I whispered into the phone.

"Good luck with that." Sam said, hanging up. I sighed, putting my phone away.

"Ben, hi." I said, waving. He glanced at me, then shook his head, and walked past me.

I awkwardly placed my hand back into my lap and stared at the ground.


"And then he just strutted on by me!" I ranted to Zoe.

I had rushed to her house immediately after school.

"Well maybe it has to do with the fact you broke his heart." Zoe moaned into her pillow.

"I did not break his heart! I just needed a break from boys, I decided to stop seeing Connor too!" I protested.

"Hey, isn't Sam back from the wedding?" Zoe replied in a stuffy tone.

"Maybe, but I'll give her time to unpack first." I said, glancing at a large gold clock hanging on the wall.

"I'm sure she could use some help." Zoe said, pulling her blanket up to her chest.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later, unless you want to come." I said, picking up my purse.

"No, I'm good." She muttered.

Sam P.O.V

"I really don't want to go back to school." I said, lying sideways on my soft blue couch.

"I'm going to be so buried in the work I missed, I'll be studying nonstop for days." Kian sighed.

"Are you trying to one-up me?" I asked skeptically.

"I always am." He laughed.

"I'm sorry to say, but I'll forever have you beat in the 'shitty parents' category of life." I said, hearing a car pull up outside my house.

"I'll let you have that one." He nodded.
We both turned towards my bedroom door as someone began knocking.

"If you are in the act of sex, please postpone the activity." I heard Beth say from outside my room.

"You can come in! We are both fully clothed!" I shouted to her.

The door cracked open a little and Beth poked her head through, glancing at Kian and me.

"just making sure." she laughed, pushing the door fully open.

I shifted my position on the couch, allotting her a place to sit.

"I have so much to talk about." Beth said, collapsing on besides me.

"Is it about Connor and Ben?" I said, then suddenly realizing Kian was Connor's roommate.

Beth and I both turned to Kian, who was watching us intently.

"What?" He asked, confused when we stopped talking.

"How can I know you won't just go tell Connor everything I'm saying?" Beth asked.

"I mean he's my close friend and if I feel-"

"If you tell Connor anything from this conversation, I will literally not sleep with you for a month." I shut kian up.

"So nothing I say will leave this room. Right?" Beth said, glaring at Kian.

"Um yeah, of course not." He cleared his throat, and his eyes nervously drifted to me.

"Okay, so you know that night you called me and I said I couldn't talk because I watching Family Matters." Beth reminded me.

"I do remember that night." I replied.

"I was lying, I wasn't really watching TV, I was going to hook up with Connor." Beth admitted.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out." I said.

"Damn, I guess I have to work on my lying." She said.

"You said you were watching Family Matters? Really? Family Matters?" Kian butted into the conversation.

"It sounded like a good lie at the time." Beth said shrugging.

"Why did you say 'we were gonna hook up.', what happened?" I questioned.

"It was weird, we were in the middle of an intense kiss, and randomly he got all weird and squirmy." Beth squinted.

"Well that can't be good." I replied.

"Do you think he doesn't like me?" Beth questioned.

"Or maybe he thinks you're too good for him!" I suggested.

"What if he thinks I'm ugly?" She gasped.

"Or maybe a bad kisser?" I replied.

I noticed how oddly quiet Kian was being.

"What do you you know kian?" I asked, glancing at him lying on the bed.

" I have to go, I'll see you later." He said, awkwardly rolling off the bed.

"Come on Kian don't be like that." Beth groaned as he opened the door and quickly left the room.

"What was that about?" I asked Beth skeptically.

"Well he obviously knows something we don't ." Beth replied.

"Whatever it is, we'll figure out sooner or later." I said

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