Chapter 14

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Kian Pov

"Sam!" I called out in the club. I have a bad feeling about this, I shouldn't have let her get away.

I nervously paced through the club, hoping to catch a glance of her perfect dirty blonde hair.

I made my way through all the people and found the exit. I needed some air.
Compared to inside the club, outside was much colder. I crossed my arms on my chest and looked around.

I noticed familiar light blue eyes lock with mine, it was Beth. She was coming right at me, wearing a sweater with a cartoon kitten tap dancing on it. Her long pale blonde hair bounced with every step she took.

"Beth?" I asked, as she finally stood in front of me.

Out of no where she slapped me hard in the face, leaving a painful red mark.

"What the hell, kian?!" She yelled at me. "You let my best friend drive drunk."

"She's driving?" I asked, swallowing hard.

We then heard a extremely loud car horn sound off from down the street.
"Shit." Beth said under her breath.

Beth Pov

"911 what is your emergancy?" A woman said.

"My friend, got in a car accident, please come fast." I said frantically, hot tears blurring my vision.

I glanced over at Kian and Sam, she looked so innocent laying there with him.

I could hear Kian talking quietly to her.
I was frozen with disbelief, not sure how to react. I stood still, staring at the shattered glass at my feet, and tightly gripping my phone against my ear.
Everything was telling me to run over to her, and make sure she was okay... if she was okay.

Instead of running to her, or helping her, I just started screaming and crying louder.

I've never seen someone I loved in this state. Her forehead was cut slightly, crimson blood dripping down over her closed eyelids.

The sound of sirens filled the air, rushing towards us.

Paramedics ran by me, as I stood still, a look of horror plastered on my face.
I watched as Kian reluctantly let go of Sam, as they put her on the stretcher and wheeled her to the ambulance.
Kian followed the men, grabbing my hand as he walked by me.

"Come on, we'll meet them at the hospital."

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