Chapter 24

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*one month later.*

"Hey, get up." I heard Beth say, poking my cheek with her toe.

"Why?" I mumbled into the pillow my face was buried in.

"It's time to go meet Zoe at the field." She replied, continuing to poke me.

I lifted my head and glanced around my room, checking for my clock. I sighed realizing it was time to get up.
I half heartedly sat up, as Beth threw a cute light blue tank top at me.

"Thanks." I replied, pulling off the top I slept in.

Beth got up and walked over to my make up stand.

I was never really that phased when I woke up and found her at my house. Beth usually stayed late at my house and ended up falling asleep here. And we both wore relatively the same
sized clothes, even though I was a bit taller than her.

I found a grey cardigan and pulled it over the pale tank top.

"How do you think this looks?" Beth said, walking out of my bathroom. She was wearing a white see-through crop top with a cheetah patterned bra under it.

"I think that's my skirt." I said, glancing at the black skirt that just reached her mid-thigh.
"Is it?" She asked glancing down at the skirt as I pulled a pair of faded blue jeans.


"So , who is coming over your house for Thanksgiving?" Beth asked through a stuffed nose.

"I don't know?" I shrugged, staring down at my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"But Thanksgiving is tomorrow." Zoe said, swinging her legs off the grass hill we were all sitting on.

"Well if you guys don't have anywhere to go, you can come to my place. My parents always invite everyone they know over to see our 'beautiful' house." I mumbled, lying on my back on the lush green grass.

"Yeah, I'll be there." Beth replied. "My parents are having another one of their arguments."

"So you're finally feeling better again. I remember a week ago you said you were so sick that you couldn't even look at a pizza without throwing up." Zoe laughed.

"Don't laugh at my pain, you're the one who infected me with this, this death virus." Beth argued.

"I can't wait till I catch this sickness." I said sarcastically, my eyes fixed on a large cloud high up in the sky.

"So, what is Kian doing for Thanksgiving?" Zoe curiously asked.

"He's doing this stupid dorm room Thanksgiving thing where him and Connor just eat tacos." I laughed to my self.

"I dont know, that sounds pretty great." Zoe replied

"Speaking of Connor, have you seen him lately?" Beth asked nervously.

"Not really, why? still no calls?" I asked with sympathy in my voice.

"I guess he's just not interested." Beth sighed, her voice shaky.

"You can't cry over something you never had." Zoe said.

"I know, but I can cry over something I almost had." Beth replied, picking at the grass around her.

"I wish I had someone that made me feel like that." Zoe said.

"What? Like shit?" Beth chuckled slightly.

"Just some one to care about, I guess." Zoe said, eating a bite of her apple.

"You know what we should do?" Beth asked, causing me to sitting up.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"We should all swear off boys, until we all know that we've found the one. And we all have to approve of someone before one of us can date them." Beth stated.

"That's a good idea." Zoe agreed, smiling brightly. They both turned to me, waiting for my answer.

"Oh, I can't." I shrugged, lying back into the soft grass.

"Why not?" Beth questioned.

"Because... I have Kian." I said quietly, causing Zoe to laugh.

"You're not serious. Right?" Beth chuckled.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, propping myself up on my arm.

"I thought you guys were just sleeping around. No strings attached." Zoe put air quotes around the last part.

"Yeah, right. I guess we aren't really even dating." I agreed, even though I was skeptical of the idea.

"Okay, so should we just all start fresh? Let go off any current flings?" Zoe suggested, glancing at me.

"Are you suggesting we all become lesbians?" I asked jokingly.

"Well actually Sam, I've always kinda had this thing for you." Beth said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, and pushed my dark sunglasses back up to my nose.

"I think we could make an exception for you in the deal. I mean, if you really like Kian." Zoe said, raising one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

"No, I don't think we are really going anywhere, relationship wise. But the sex was really great." I sighed.

"So how are you gonna break the news to him that you are no longer casual sex partners?" Beth asked, adjusting her large black floppy sun hat.

"I guess I'll just kinda stop talking to him, I mean he is not really that intertwined with my life." I shrugged, realizing how dysfunctional our relationship.

"I think this will be good for you. You need someone who really care about you, not just play with your emotions." Zoe said supportively.

"Yeah." I replied confidentially, even though I was still doubting it.

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