Chapter 21

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The next morning

I woke up when I heard my blaring alarm. I groaned and pushed my covers off me, my eyes still closed.

Because of the wedding, I got to skip school for today and Tomorrow. Yet, I still had to wake up extra early because the ceremony started at noon. I have to get dressed and then drive all the way to the beach they are having it at.

I pulled out my phone and called Kian.

"Hello?" He answered in a tired voice.

"Hey, you gotta get up, the wedding starts at noon." I said.

"The what?"

"The wedding, remember?" I asked nervously.

"Oh sorry I can't make it, turns out I do have plans." He said.

"Kian-" I was cut off my him hanging up the phone.

What an asshole. Maybe I was just wasting my time with him. I guess I would be going to the wedding without date.

I got up and took a long shower. After the shower I found the dress I was going the wear. It was a soft lilac color and had length that ended just above my knee. I wore a matching silver necklace that glistened in the light every time I would move.
I brushed out my hair and the then carefully curled the ends. I lightly put on some lip gloss and eyeliner.
The heels I wore were pretty tall, and matched the light purple dress I was wearing.

Once I was done I walked out into the living room where my mom was sitting on the couch. She was wearing the same style dress I was, only it was in dark purple.

She glanced up at me, and then her eyes drifted back to the tv.

"Go do your hair really quick honey, we have to go soon." She said, lazily watching a rerun of Full House.

"I already did my hair." I said, checking my reflection in the large mirror in my living room.

"Oh, you did?" She asked, skeptically.
I was about to respond when a knock on the door interrupted me. "Oh honey can you get that? It's probably Bradley's girlfriend." She said, changing the subject.

"Can't Bradley answer it, I don't think his girlfriend likes me." I said, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Well at least he has a girlfriend?" My mom said under her breath.

I smiled at her until she turned back to the tv, then I flipped her off.

"I saw that." She said, her eyes still glued on the tv. The knocking on the door continued, so I decided to go answer it.

I walked over to the door, the sound of my heels hitting the wooden floor echoed in the hall.
I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hello?" I asked, obviously annoyed.
"Kian?" I said, staring at him as he stood in front of me.

He was wearing a black and white tux with a matching black Bow tie. He was also holding a Bouquet of flowers.

"I thought you couldn't make it." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"You really bought that?" He laughed.

I took a step forwards, attaching lips to his. I smiled into the kiss, as he dropped the flowers out of surprise. The kiss got more intense the longer it went on. His hands wrapped around my waist, and my fingers ran viciously through his hair. I softly bit his lip, causing him to quietly moan.
I remembered that we were still on my porch in my front yard. I tried to pull my self away, but Kian refused to let me go, slamming his lips back into mine.

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