Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up in someone's arms.

"Kian?" I asked.

"Mmhmm." He moaned tiredly in response.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up, I could see light coming from my window.

"Too early, just go back to sleep." Kian mumbled.

"Why did you stay the night?" I asked

"I was too tired after last nights 'activities'. Don't make me regret staying over, and just lie back down."
he said in a sexy morning voice.

I lied down against kian again, in a spooning position.

We stayed like that for a while until I flipped to face kian and spoke up again.

"Kian, school starts again for me tomorrow, the summer is ending. That means I start my senior year of high school , and my parents come back from their summer vacation in Greece. Nothing is going to be the same for us."
I said, slowly tracing his abs under the blanket.

"Don't worry about it. We will find a way to get together." He spoke slowly

"Kian, why do you care so much about this? You used to sleep with a different girl every night, and now it's just me." I said quietly.

"Well first of all the sex is amazing, like the best I've ever had. Some people just have that factor together. and you're a pretty cool chick, but that doesn't mean I like you." he said, causing me to chuckle.

"The feeling is mutual." I replied. "You should probably leave now, my parents are coming home today, and I hAve to clean the house with my half brother."
Kian nodded and rolled out of the bed.


"Welcome back mom." I said to my mother who was walking through my front door with a bunch of luggage . She smiled at me and put all the bags down.

My parents took a vacation all summer this year in efforts to save their relationship. See, My step dad has a problem with sticking one woman.

"Hey Jim." I said to my step dad who followed my mom into the house.

"You'll never guess who we saw over the summer!" Jim replied to me.

"Madonna?" I said sarcastically.

"No, we saw Peter!" My mom said. I rolled my eyes at the mention of my ex.

"Peter, oh great." I said unenthusiastically.

"Yeah we invited him over for dinner tonight." Jim said happily. I began to choke on my cereal.

"You did what?" I said, standing up off the couch.

"Oh come one, you two could be friends again, or maybe more." My mom said suggestively.

"No mom, I don't want to be 'more' with him." I groaned in aggravation.

"It will be good for you, you have been lonely lately." My mom said.

I stormed out of the living room.

"Yeah, that'd be fun." I whispered seductively into the phone.

A knock on my bedroom door interrupted my conversation with Kian.
"Come in." I said, and my mom sauntered in.

"Darling, Peter just arrived." My mom gasped. "What are you wearing! I told you too look nice for once." She glared at my grey sweatpants.

I groaned, hanging up the phone and following my mom out to the living room, where I came face to face with my ex.

"Wow Sam, you look amazing." Peter said as soon as I walked into the room. I looked up at him and realized, he had gotten really hot. His dark brown hair was brushed off to the left, fringe almost covering one his blue eyes. He had a fitted blue top on that showed off his newly sculpted body.

"Um, Peter you look, great." I said, regretting my decision to wear sweatpants and a loose t-shirt.
I pushed my dirty blonde hair back slightly with my fingers in attempt to look presentable.

"Well, should we get dinner started?" My mom asked.

"Um one second, I forgot something in my room." I lied, to go and search for a hair brush.

I ran to my room and swung the door open. dim fairy lights made it hard to find my things.

I was about open one of my drawers, when a felt an arm pull me back, and another cover my mouth.

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