Chapter 57

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I stared at the blank canvas that stood in front of me, then to the paint brush dangling between my fingers. I glanced around at the others who had already begun to paint, and had an determined look in their eyes. How did they already start, meanwhile I had no idea what to do at all. Tab looked over at me and must have noticed my blank expression as I stared at the empty canvas.

"Do you need some inspiration or something?" She asked, brushing her hair back slightly.

"Uhm, maybe I'll just take a walk to the bathroom. I might get an idea on the way." I suggested, to which she gleefully nodded.

"Yeah, the bathroom is a few halls down." She told me. a few halls?

"Okay, right, thank you." I stuttered, carefully made my way to the door.

It made a loud creaking noise as it opened, causing me to wince slightly. I carefully slipped through the door and entered the hallway that we came into the house from. I then began to stroll around the rather large hall, considering which door might be the bathroom. Eventually, I reached a set of brown wooden steps that seemed like they led up to another level of the house. Had I gone to far? Or did Tab not mention that the bathroom was up the stairs.

I begun to have a silent panic break down, in fear of actually getting lost in the gigantic house. I should have brought a buddy, always bring a damn buddy.

I decided to take a leap of faith and clamored up the stairs. The upstairs, similar to the rest of the house, was very quiet. And it was dimly lit, which made it all the more difficult to navigate my way through the floor.

My phone suddenly began to vibrate against me, making me jump slightly. After realizing that it was only someone calling me, I pulled my phone nimbly out of my back pocket. It was Tiffany, so I immediately swiped at the answer button.

"Where the hell are you?" Her voice rang out on the line.

"Uh I'm with some... friends." Were they even my friends?

"Friends huh? Well are you gonna come back home later tonight or are you staying at his place." She chuckled suggestively.

"No, it not like that. I actually am with a group of people. " I sighed.

"Is that right?" She asked sarcastically.

"I'll be back later tonight." I blurted out, ignoring her assumptions.

"Okay, I'll see you then... Oh! And remember- use protection." Tiffany laughed loudly. I sarcastically snickered at her and then hung up the phone.

I had almost forgotten the fact that I was looking for a bathroom. The upstairs split off into two different hallways, meaning that I had to make a choice on which way to go. I decided to go left just out of a random pick. I trailed around the halls for quite some time until I heard a sound. It sort of sounded like a song, and it was coming from aways in front of me.

I trekked all the way down to where the song was coming from and then I realized it was a theme song, and that was why it sounded so familiar. Suddenly the realization hit me that everyone was down stairs, then why was the tv on upstairs. I felt my legs begin to shake slightly and goosebumps prickled up on my skin.

Maybe it was an intruder. I considered going to get the others but decided against it because if there wasn't anyone there everyone would think I'm insane. Curiosity filled me more than fear.

Without thinking about the outcomes, I pushed the door open. Thankfully it didn't make any noise, allowing me to peek my head through the small crack of space I had left. When I looked in, i was surprised to see that no one was actually inside of the room. I looked to the TV that was on and shining bright and illuminating the whole room. The room had enough light so that I could just barley take a look around. The room, like the rest of the house, was quite large. There weren't that many person items within the room, it was very basic. Just a bed, a TV, a few lamps, a hamper, etc.

I couldn't help but notice the show playing was Orange is the new black, which is one of my favorite shows. I smiled to myself as the episode played, even though I have seen this season many times, I still legitimately found most of it still shocking and funny.

I slowly snaked into the room, and got a closer look around. Other than the covers being slightly messed up, there were no signs anyone has been in this room recently. Maybe the TV just glitches and randomly turns on. I shrugged to my self and took a seat on the bed. I know this was totally wrong considering this was not even my house, but it was much better than having to be creative downstairs. It was late anyways, maybe I could just curl up here and wait till Henry decides he wants to leave, seeing that he was my ride here, and I foolishly left my car back at his dorm. If anyone asks why I didn't come back downstairs I will say I felt ill. I felt bad for ditching them but I honestly don't think I could spend any more time being social.

I happily cuddled down into the blankets on the bed and turned my attention back to the TV.

After a few minutes of watching the episode, I heard the door creak open. My heart stopped, I was afraid to face whoever it was standing there. They had probably sent someone up to check on me. I slowly turned and looked at the door, and chocked on my own spit. If my heart had stopped before, right now it felt as if it might burst out of my chest.

It was him, Kian, standing in the door way. He looked exactly how I felt, which was entirely shocked and in disbelief. He was only dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants, with his hair carelessly swept across his forehead. I felt my mouth dry out.

Why was he here? Was Tab his new girlfriend or something?

"Sam... What are you doing here?" He questioned, after about 5 minutes of us just staring at each other. I didn't respond, because honestly I wasn't quite sure of the answer. He took a step closer to be as I just still sat there, still as a statue.

"Uh my uh friends are downstairs... I shouldn't be up here." I announced, finally scrambling to my feet. I tried to walk out the door but Kian stopped me.

"Friends?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out curiously.

"My sister lives here..." He said as if it were obvious.

His sister? Tab? Then it hit me as I remembered Tab saying her brother would be staying here. They looked alike, I knew she reminded me of someone.

"I really shouldn't be here..." I trailed off, trying to leave but him once again stopping me.

"Why are you up here? If you're friends are downstairs anyways?" He asked a valid question.

"I don't know I was just wanted to go home." I shrugged telling the truth, refusing to make eye contact with Kian.

"You can stay up here...with me." He suggested, staring down at me.

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