Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my voicemail beeping. My eyes slowly opened, and I got an instant headache from the bright sun shining through my window. I suddenly felt something move on the other side of the bed.


I knew things must have gotten crazy last night, but not this crazy. I stayed motionless as memories of the previous night began to pour into my mind. The boy, the dangerous one. I prayed to God he wasn't the one in the bed next to me.

I flipped my body around to face the other person.
It was him, the boy. I didn't even know his name, and we hooked up. His dark brown hair was plastered across his face, and his bare chest was half covered by the blanket.

"Hey." I said, causing his eyes to flutter open. "Did we... last night?"

"Yeah, we hooked up. " He said as if it was no big deal.

"My older half brother is also most likely already home."

"And that is my problem because?" He groaned.

"Did we even use protection?!" I said nervously.

"Of course." He replied.

"I knew you were trouble." I said.

"W-" The boy began to speak, when a voice interrupted him.

"Sammy, are you home?" My half brother shouted out, footsteps approaching my bedroom door.

"Um yeah, one second don't-" I was stopped by the door opening, and my brother, Bradley, peaking in. "..come in." I sighed.

"Hey Sam, how was... Wait who the hell is that?" He said angrily. The boy was alert now and sat up next to me, pulling the blanket up to his chest.

"This is um.. um..." I hesitated not knowing the boys name.

"I'm kian." The boy said, giving my brother a guilty smile.

"Well Kian, you better get the hell out of my sisters bed." Bradley angrily growled.

"See, I would, but I don't know where my pants are. Your sister is a wild lover." Kian said, testing my brother.

"That's it." Bradley yelled, storming over to Kian, who looked frightened at how large my brother was.

"No wait, I can handle this myself. No hospital should be needed." I said, offering a smile. Bradley stood in my door way for a moment, then turned and walked out.

"Hey, thanks for that." Kian said to me. I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms against my chest. "So, round two?" He asked, rolling on top of me.

"Kian get off me !" I said pushing him off.

"Alright. But I wasn't lying about the sex, it was great." He said, getting up out of the bed.

"Get out!" I groaned, throwing his pants at his face.

"You knew where they were!?"he asked whilst putting them on.

"As much as I hate to admit it, last night wasn't that bad." I said quietly, causing kian to laugh.

"Maybe we can make this our thing." He said suggestively.

"Please, I'm sure you sleep with hundreds of girls."

Kian shrugged and pulled his shirt on.
"I guess I'll see you around." He said, and happily walked out of my room.
I rolled back over, facing my phone and called the voice mail.

"Hey Sam I just wanted to make sure you made it home safe, and didn't leave the club with that boy. I saw you two touching all over each other at the club. Turns out he's got a bad reputation after all, I asked a bunch of girls at the club. Stay away from him Sam, he's trouble. It's Beth by the way"

I instantly began to regret everything that just happened. I should have never slept with him. The first time, the second time, or any of the many times after...

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