Chapter 19

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"I told you the frat boys would rip you apart." The person said in a familiar voice. I felt myself become relived.

"So are you gonna let me go, or do you still want your turn?" I asked sarcastically.

"I don't know, my turn sounds pretty appealing right now." Kian said, not letting me go.

"Very funny." I said, crossing my arms.

"I can't believe you were gonna hook up with Joey. i thought we were exclusive." Kian replied.

"Well you know what? I thought you actually may have like me, but then I realized I'm just a new toy for you. and eventually you'll get bored and find a new one." I said angrily.

"Hey, remember who is basically naked right now, I could just leave you." Kian spat back at me.

"Why are you mad Kian, your not the one who got played. You were the only thing I had going for me. Now I'm back to square one." I said. "Every girl at this party is just a number, what number am I number 500? You might have even slept with every goddamn girl on campus. I'm sure I won't be the last. when you're done with my I bet you'll just leave me, heart broken and alone, while you get a new toy." I pulled away from him.

"You're not the only one confused, okay? At first you were just someone to fool around with, but than feelings started showing up when I didn't want them. And now you're hooking up with some other guy, you, the one girl I thought I might actually like." He replied.

"Kian... I didn't know." I said quietly.

"Was he good?" Kian asked


"Was it good, the sex?" Kian asked again.

"We-we didn't..." I replied quiet. "but I'm sure it would have been absolutely nothing compared to you..." I sighed

"Then why would you even kiss him in the first place?"

"I don't know, as some sick revenge to
Get back at you for sleeping around a lot." I said quietly.

"You know you are the best I've ever had." Kian said.

"What? Like sex? You couldn't fool me with that. You've had sex with like everyone and I'm defiantly not the best. Im inexperienced and lame in bed, at least that's what I've heard." I laughed.

"It's not just about that. whenever I get with you, it just feels real. and if you were inexperienced, you've definitely learned a thing or two, because..." he stopped talking.

I didn't reply, instead i stood up and gently kissed him. After about a 10 seconds he pulled away.

"What?" I asked.

"Here." He said, taking off his shirt, "you need it more than I do." He handed it to me.

Since kian was pretty tall the shirt covered me all the way down to my mid thighs.

"Thanks," I laughed.

"Alright buddy, time is up." One of the boys said, walking out of the house.

"Yeah, she's coming home with me." Kian said

"Oh come on, she is our sex slave." the boy complained.

"No, I'm not." I groaned and began to walk back to Kian's dorm room.

"We aren't done with you, I wouldn't come back to this frat house if I were you." The boy shouted after me, and I ignored him.

"You probably shouldn't come back." Kian said to me as we walked back to the dorm

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