Chapter 1

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The small dance club was crowded to the max. Every which way you turned sweaty body were grinding against each other. My palms began to sweat in fear of my fake id as I handed it to the bartender.

"Kathy Mars huh." The man said, eyeing me down.

"That's me." I said awkwardly, and glanced around the club in search of my friends. Maybe coming to this club wasn't such a good idea.

"Alright, what do you want?" The bartender asked annoyed.

"Um, I'll..." I hesitated weighing my options.

"She'll have the 'snowy day'." My friend Beth said from behind me. The bartender went to make the drink, and I turned to face my friend.

"How are you liking the club?" She asked, her pale blue eyes meeting mine.

"It's okay." I said half-heartedly.

"Oh come on, you just haven't met any hot boys yet." Beth said, grabbing my drink off the counter.

"Hey you have to pay for that!" The man yelled to Beth.

"I think this one is going to be on the house. Okay Christian?" She seductively said to the the bartender. The man nodded, and turned back to three other girls at the bar.

"You're good." I laughed.

"Well they don't call me the hypnotic woman for nothing." She said, shoving my drink into my hand. "Now about that man." Her eyes carefully scanned the club, stopping on the occasional attractive guy, but then continuing. "Him." She said staring down a guy.
He was a brunette with matching brown eyes. He was wearing a black tank top, and black jeans. His hair was done messily, and he was tall.
I noticed he was staring right at me, with no regard for the red head whom he was grinding against.

"I don't know, he seems kind of dangerous." I said to Beth, not breaking eye contact with the mysterious boy. Suddenly my silky green dress felt too tight, his eyes keeping their hold on me.

"Look at him, if you don't get to him, I will." Beth said, pushing me towards the boy. I began to slowly pace over to the boy. He let go of the red head, and began to walk closer to me. I felt my breath hitch.

"Hi." I said to him.

"What's your name?" He asked me in a low voice.

"Samantha." I replied too quickly. The boy didn't respond, he just wrapped his hands around my waist. Fear pulsed through my body as I felt his warmth radiating against mine.
The alcohol began to hit me as I began to feel less frightened.

"What the hell was in that drink?" I thought, as I felt myself loosing control of my body.

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