Chapter 10

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"You're sleeping with Kian Lawley?" Ben said surprised. "God I hate that guy."

We were sitting on the large brick wall near all the outdoor eating tables.

"That's the problem. Everyone hates that guy." I said, lying back into the soft grass hill behind the wall. "Except for me, and even I hate him a little."

"Do you even know him? The real him? Not just the hot sex him?" Ben said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I guess not." I said, staring up at the sky.

"Maybe you should ask him out." Ben suggested, causing me to laugh.

"We are talking about the same person right? Mr. I only do casual no strings attached sex." I said.

"Maybe he would surprise you." Ben replied.

"Or maybe he would laugh in my face." I chuckled.

"Do you have a fear of rejection?" Ben asked.

"Are you a therapist?" I asked sarcastically.

"When someone shoots back like you do, that usually means they have suppressed feelings for the person the are discussing." Ben replied.

"Fuck you and your studying of psychology." I rolled my eyes.

"Your doing it again, changing the subject." Ben said "You should call him."

I pulled out my phone, and hesitated to unlock it.

"This is a bad idea." I said, staring at the blank screen. Ben just shrugged, so I decided to put my phone back down.


I managed to go the rest of the school day with out running into Beth or Zoe. Which was lucky because I didn't feel like explaining the thing I had with Kian.

I sighed, putting the keys into my car ignition. I pulled out of the school parking lot and began driving down the street.

"Pull over here." Someone said coming up from my back seat.

I screamed, almost swerving off the road.

"What the hell Beth?" I yelled, straightening the car out on the road. She must have gotten into my car when I was talking to Ben before I left.

"We need to talk about your relationship with Kian!" She said.

"No, I refuse!" I protested.

Beth made a panicked face, and began rolling down the back seat window.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"I don't want to do this." She said, sticking her hand out, and dangling my heart necklace outside of the window.

"How did you get that?" I asked.

"I took it off when you weren't paying attention." She said.

"You wouldn't!" I said, glaring at her through the rear view mirror.

"Oh, but I would." She replied, loosening her grip on the necklace.

"Okay, okay!" I surrendered, pulling over in the mall parking lot.

"Listen, we are going to get frozen yogurt, and then talk about Kian." Beth said, opening the car door.

"You're risking so much with this relationship." Beth said, eating a spoon of vanilla fro-yo .

"it's just casual." I said.

"Well how does Kian feel about it?" She asked.

"Probably the same way." I replied.

"Well, we will find out soon." Beth said under her breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned her.

"I may or may not have texted him from your phone, and I may or may not have asked him to come here immediately." Beth said, a guilty look plastered on her face.

"Oh my god, I'm getting out of here." I said, grabbing my bag.

"You didn't even finish your fro-yo." Beth said disappointed. "I payed for that."

I rolled my eyes, and rushed to the exit. As I began to text Kian, and tell him not to come, when I walked into some one.

"sorry." I said, glancing up at the person.

"Are you okay Sam?" Kian said, looking down at me.

"Um I..."

"Hey, you two, get over here." Beth said, waving us back to the table.


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