34. Old Faces

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(Timeskip-a week later)

Team 12 rolled in Konoha gates a week after the whole event of the Wolf village and needless to say that they were pretty beat after the whole ordeal. The entire team besides Naruto had to boost up on chakra pills just to keep active almost the entire mission and it was quite frustrating. Yakumo was definitely the most tired though, as she was using her chakra constantly. Whether or as fighting or healing, she never truly took a long break so she really deserved the MVP award out of the entire group.

Sayori stretched her back, before yawning as she saw the Hokage faces and smiled. "It feels so good to be home after all this time". The group agreed. "Same, I don't ever want to leave again. My ass is gonna be glued to my bed once we finish this debriefing for the Hokage" Naruto said while they all agreed on that saying. Anko laughed. "Well, I can agree in way. There's nothing like good after mission sex that will knock you right on your ass, am I right, Yakumo-chan?". The Kurama clan member blushed heavily as both Naruto and Sayori turned to her in shock. Even Kichiro popped his head out the seal to gaze at her with his own two red eyes.

"Yakumo....you....did the deed?!" Naruto whispered in a shock voice. "You slut!" Sayori teases while Kichiro yipped. "Who woulda thought it would be you to do it first! Woooowwwww! I'm impressed". "Wait?! Was this in my house?! WAIT, WAS THIS ON MY BED?! I'VE BEEN VIOLATED ONCE, NOT AGAIN!" Naruto said, glaring at Kichiro, who kinda looked off to the side like he was avoiding Naruto. Yakumo, though, was as red a tomato. Her deepest secret was out now, how was she supposed to feel? Though she was abit happy it was her teammates instead of her parents, she'd just kill herself if that was the case. "Well, I guess that just means you two are the only ones that's left on the team. So the major question is: WHEN ARE YOU TWO GONNA BONE?!" Anko asked, staring right at Naruto and Sayori, who both looked at each other and blushed heavily.

Of course, the idea of sex crossed their minds. They're teenagers, horny lustful teenager who just wants to bust a nut, more in Naruto's case than Sayori but that didn't mean the Uchiha didn't have these urges too. She does get hot around Naruto when he does certain things she likes, for example, when he combs his hand through his golden locks when he's thinking or a bit stressed that just makes him seem even more sexy in her eyes and she does find herself unconsciously get fidgety. The problem was the wrong timing. If left alone, they were sure that they would've done the deed by now but interruptions just keep happening and it ruins the mood all the time.

It was so frustrating for them but they had to remember that they are shinobi and they could be called at the drop of a hat so they had to let it go. "T-T-That's none of your business!". "Yeah, you fucking pervert! Do you get off on watching teens do it, you weirdo?!" Sayori and Naruto both layed into their sensei. "Do we ask you these things when you an Iruka do it? Huh?!" Sayori said but Anko shrugged her shoulders. "No but I can tell you, right now. Iruka may be kind but he is not gentle, I'll tell you that. He nearly puts my head through the headboard sometimes, but I love it. There's this one move where he grabs my asshole and puts his ton-".

"Whoa! Whoa! WHOA! TOO MUCH! WE NEVER ASKED FOR SO MUCH!" Naruto screamed. Anko was like a motherly type figure to the team, even if she is crazy so imagine hearing your mother's sex life? It leaves you pretty scared. Yakumo nearly gagged when she heard that while Sayori was simply about to grab her katana. "Naruto, just know, I planned to live a long life but I'm afraid this is it. I was happy before this very moment". Naruto did the same as he grabbed his sword too. "Same, Sayori, same. I could've lived my whole life without knowing Iruka was a sex maniac. I could've lived my whole life without knowing that Iruka....eats ass! He was a teacher, I trusted him and his speeches. Who knew that those clean words of courage were rolling off a dirty shithole licking tongue". Naruto said, seeing Iruka in a whole new light.

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