38. All A Kitsune Needs Sometimes Is A Post *** Clarity

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It was the following day at Suna, the day after Gaara of the Sand, The Fifth Kazekage's resurrection and the death of Suna's beloved elders, Lady Chiyo. The woman was buried and the funeral was today. Many cme and showed their support of her brother, Ebizo, her brother and mourned the loss of a powerful shinobi elder. They all came dressed in black, even the Konoha team, as they came to the funeral, Yakumo even shed a few tears. Losing someone, even if you knew them briefly, didn't matter when you just fought side by side, struggled against a formidable and dangerous opponent together when separately, death was certain.

Yakumo fought with Chiyo to the very end, struggled and nearly died with her on battle, that kind of bond will stick for a long while, or in this case, it should've. While Naruto would say this is unfortunate how things ended like this, Lady Chiyo gave her life for this very reason, so all of Suna would have a Kazekage, so her sacrifice was very much, not in vain. The village would prosper under Gaara's reign, that's enough for her, that's enough for Suna, and that's enough for Naruto. Mission completed.

Right now, which was after the funeral, the Konoha team which consisted of team 12 and 9 plus Kakashi, were at the gate saying their goodbyes to the Kazekage and his siblings. "Thank you, Naruto Kitsune. You have saved me yet again". Naruto smirked. "Well, it wasn't really me that saved you. I just got us to where we needed to be-ow! Dammit Sayori, fuck off!" The Kitsune boy said as he rubbed his ribs from the swift elbow the Uchiha gave him. Sayori shrugged her shoulders. "You were talking bs, so.....". "I agree, you coming to my aid was good enough and if it wasn't for you and your team, I would surely not make it. Thank you, all of you". Naruto smiled a bright fox smile. "Glad we can help Gaara" he said. Gaara rose his hand to shake his but Naruto watched it shock before he rose his own and shook it.

"Can't wait to see you again, Naruto-kun" Temari said with a wink but Sayori pulled the blonde Fox Summoner away. "Hell no, goodbye!". Temari grabbed Naruto's right arm. "No, if Naruto doesn't want to leave then he can stay for a little while longer, I'm sure your father wouldn't mind Naruto-kun. I wanna show you around Suna, like a promised". Sayori glared hard. "No, we finished the mission, we should report back while it's still fresh in our minds, besides, Naruto hates it here in Suna, he said so, RIGHT, NARUTOOOOO?" the Uchiha said as she glared hard at him, making the blonde sweat, seeing the glare Gaara and Kankuro were giving him. Ummmm......*gulp*....uhhh".

Gaara sighed, he moved to his sister. "Temari, enough. Let them go". Temari widened her eyes at her little brother but he frowned at her, ordering her as her Kazekage, not asking her as her little brother. She let go while Naruto moved back, though she pouted, though I hardly vowed to find a way to get past that Uchiha. Kankuro laughed at his sister. "Well, you guys are safe to travel back. There aren't any storms in the area and won't be until the end of the week. You're clear".

"Well, with your leave, Kazekage-sama. We're off" Kakashi said as the Konoha group bowed and head out, leaving the Suna nin at the border. On the way back, Naruto turned to his girlfriend with a smirk. "So.....care to tell me why you nearly risked a broken treaty for petty jealousy?" He teased. He knew that Gaara was too mature for breaking a treaty over one shinobi's opinion of their home, even if it were true. If he was that thin-skinned, he wouldn't have been Kazekage. Sayori blushed though she glared at the ground as the group ran on the sand. "I'm........sorry, alright. Temari just knows how to get under my skin, is all". "More like, any flirting girl knows how to get under your skin. Your so jealous, it shows more than your Uchiha blood" Naruto said with a short laugh.

Sayori glared at him. "I am not the jealous type!". "Who are you fooling! Do we have to revisit the last few minutes as to what you nearly started, or do we go back further when Hinata tried to sit next to me at the BBQ joint?". "Or that time when Ino blushed in his direction the same time?" Yakumo joined in with a smile. Sayori glared at the back of the Kurama girl's head. "H-Hey! Nobody asked you-". "Or that time when you nearly flamed me alive when Temari asked me out during the Chunin Exams?" Naruto said, interrupting her. 'Or those times when Naruko would try and flirt with you' Kichiro joined in from the mindscape.

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