21. The Date....Gone Wrong

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Timeskip-a month later

It has been a busy month for Konoha as the repairs were finally finished from the invasion from Oto and Suna. Minato recovered rather quickly and regained control of the Hokage office rather quickly before someone could take his position and ruin the office while also ruining the entire village and by someone, everyone meant Danzo. The ceremony for the fallen Shinobi and the death of the Third Hokage was made and it gave the chance for the village to mourn for their fallen. Some civilians were caught in the crossfire at the time but no civilian casualties since the Shinobi of Konoha caught onto it rather quickly. They were lucky.

The Suna children - Temari, Kankuro and Gaara, were released from their confinements thanks to the persuasion of certain Kitsune user and were allowed to go back to their village, a village that was trying to find a way to make peace with Konoha before things get heated. It turns out that Orochimaru was actually impersonating their Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, and had lead the Suna village under that disguise. Minato and the council, a.k.a just Minato since the council are just whiny britches, had decided to look past the Suna and Konoha incident if Suna accepted just a few bargaining between them, which of course they absolutely agreed. They don't need the strongest village down their necks right now.

Especially now that their champion, Gaara, was defeated so by Konoha's very own champion so they weren't gonna try that shit again that's for fucking sure. When they left though, Gaara gave him a small but warm smile, giving his gratitude towards his friend that saved him from the darkness that lies within himself. Temari decided to give him her own little way for gratitude and but Gaara shut her down by encasing her with Sand and leaving Konoha by its gates like that, leaving a confused Naruto and a secretly smiling Sayori.

Things that also changed in Konoha were the views on the Uzumaki family, namely its younglings. Everyone held Naruto in a new light now thanks to his performance at the Chunin Exams and everyone is calling him the true sone of Minato Namikaze, the genius, the skill, the heart - it was all there, which Naruto didn't hate though he kinda needed the fangirls to go through as Sayori nearly burnt them all up with a fireball. Naruto was conflicted by it because at one point in his life, this was all that he ever wanted, to be seen, to be heard and to be accepted. The extra attention is cool and all, kids running up to him and admiring him, elder Shinobi praising him but to just be seen is a already good enough. He knew then and there how it felt to be Menma and Naruko in their earlier life.

On the other hand, he still had some resentment towards them all, which Kurama said it was normal. All these fake assholes are now on his jock when they weren't in the past because he's glowed up now, essentially. He was the Highlight of the Chunin Exams, he has Wood Style and he, plus the help of his super awesome Uchiha girlfriend, stopped Shukaku from killing everyone. He was the villages hero but still, if none of these eve happened that day, he would still be hated to this very day and he couldn't help but think that so that's why he's still a little apprehensive around every civilian.

Menma and Naruko meanwhile have kinda fell out of the village's graces as of now, moreso Menma than Naruko. With Naruko, she wasn't an complete bitch. Yes she was arrogant when she wanted to be but she was still nice to people. The only people she's ever been rude with were Naruto in his earlier life, Sayori and Yakumo and that was because they were in her way of her quest to get her brother. Yes she was weird because she was into incest but that only made her seem hot in the eyes of the public, especially the male crowd of the village, which weirded out Naruto to no end.

The only real support that Naruko wasn't getting was from Naruto's day one's i.e Mikoto, Sayori, Anko, Yakumo and the respected Kurama and Uchiha clans. Menma on the other hand, he had no followers anywhere anymore. If he did, they were silent as the entire village seemed to be out for the kid. Minato and Kushina would stop it of course seeing as it happened Naruto before, they didn't need it happening again plus despite his ways, they still love him. The villagers however, couldn't relate unfortunately, or fortunately in Naruto's eyes.

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