8. Chunin Exams Begin!

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"So you want me, to take this missing nin as a Shinobi of my village?" Minato asked in surprise as he stared at the team of three plus their senseis and Haku, who stood by team 12 a bit uneasy. The boy was in the middle of the former enemy's village, if the Hokage decided to execute him, he didn't know if he was able to get out of there alive. The group had finally made it into Konoha with Haku and made it to the office to report to the Hokage.

In the office was Minato, Tsunade, Jiraiya and team 7's original sensei, Kakashi. The team were debriefing their mission while the Jonin were going on about what happened. They were shocked about the change in situation of the mission, being turn from a simple C RANK mission to a complex A RANK in such a short time but the grew furious at the lack of respect Sasuke and Menma had for their comrades as they heard the news of their betrayal. But back to the topic at hand, they were focusing on what to do with Haku.

Minato thought over his story. Haku did come from a prestigious clan with a remarkable bloodline. They would have use for him here in the village. "Well Haku, I'm willing to allow you to work as a Shinobi of our village as a Chunin. Maybe perhaps a real hunter ninja would be great?". Haku shook his head. "Um... If I'm not pushing my luck, Hokage-sama, I'd much rather be a medical Ninja. I'm good with herbs and senbon". Minato turned to Tsunade. "Well, Tsunade? What do you think? You are the head of the hospital?".

The Slug Sannin looked over the boy and thought about it. "You're precision is extraordinary, even rivals my own if the reports do you justice, we'll make a great medical nin out of you". Haku nodded with happiness while Naruto smiled at him. "Well then, we'll look for a place for you to stay-". "Actually Hokage-sama" Naruto started getting all eyes on him. "I was thinking of rooming Haku with me. I have a spare room, he can use that if he so wishes". Minato looked at his son in slight panic, so did Kushina.

"Actually Naruto, we were thinking, maybe, you can move back into our home?". "PLEASE SOCHI, COME HOME WE MISS YOU! I MISS YOU!". "Please Nii-san!" the three family members pleaded. Kurama sighed. 'And I thought we were getting somewhere with them....'. 'Yeah.... Me too'. Naruto ignored them and turned to Haku but Tsunade spoke up. "Hey Brat! Don't ignore them! They beg you to go home! How can you turn your back on your family?!". "Maybe you should ask them that since they did that to me!" Naruto started. Minato sighed, it seems like they just have to try harder to get Naruto to forgive them.

Mikoto just watched the scene in sadness and a bit of cringe on their part. This is just getting sad to watch now from the viewers point. Naruto didn't bother to reply anymore but asked Haku again to which he replied with a yes. Minato sighed, he turned to his last topic of this group. He glared at his other son and Uchiha boy who both kinda shivered under the Hokage's eyes. "What you did was unforgivable! That little stunt you did out there would be paid with treason, possibly execution!". Both boys gulped but Sakura spoke up. "But Hokage-sama, please dont-". "Genin Sakura Haruno, if I speak to you, THEN you may reply, otherwise, SILENCE!".

The pinkette nodded fearfully, afraid of her leader. "But you both are very lucky. Since Menma, you are my son and Sasuke, an heir to Konoha's clan, I won't kill you nor will send you off to prison but there will be punishments. For starters, Menma, you are so grounded....". Mikoto glared at Sasuke. "You too young man!". Minato then continued. "You two will be doing a bunch of D RANK missions with no pay, all of it goes to the Kurama clan, preferably for 6 months".

Naruto glared. That was IT?! No more? Damn he should've killed every villager who ever fucked with him, he might've gotten away Scott free the way Minato gives punishments! "No dismissed, Yakumo, I advise you go to the hospital and get checked out". The girl nodded as the group went their ways while Naruto and Haku just went to leave with someone following him. Naruto thought it best to show Haku around so he can get the feel for the village.

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