35. Kazekage Rescue

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Three Weeks later

It was a early morning for the blonde boy in his apartment. He smelt food in the apartment, some really good food to be exact, which means that someone took initiative to cook breakfast, which what basically woke our favorite little Blonde this Morning. If it wasn't him, it obviously had to be Haku, his roommate. 'Haku must be making breakfast for the original blond king as that's how it usually works out for Naruto "The Situation" Kitsune' he thought to himself but Kichiro just laughed at him.

'Oh wow, you're so fucking lame....'. 'That's exactly why foxes go hungry, you disrespectful little prick. I mean, after I totally beasted that mission a few weeks back, I just felt like the ninja of the month, you know'. So after the Top Ninja of the Month moved by jumping out the bed with the unexaggerated swagger of a blonde sage, a.k.a, slipping on a part of the blanket that was on the floor while stubbing his toe on the door frame, he left the room into the kitchen, having his inner fox laugh at him.

When he made it to the kitchen, he was about to greet Haku with a 'Good Fucking Morning, Ice Cubes for testicles!' but instead of Haku, was Yakumo in a silk robe with red undergarments barely showing through said robe. She was the one that was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, not Haku, who he originally thought. She turned her head and saw Naruto there, who had a good blush on him from seeing his other female teammate in such a way. "Well.....Good Morning, Naruto-kun" she smiled, seeing nothing wrong with what she was wearing.

Naruto sighed, he had to get used to this by now but he just kept forgetting. Since Yakumo had taken to dating his roommate, she would sometimes spend the night here. Though sometimes, she was rather sneaky about it. The same night, Naruto and Haku would part ways for bed but the following morning, Yakumo would be in the bathroom when he was ready to wash up for the day. He was thinking of just getting her a key at this point. "A-A-Ah, yeah....g-good morning, Yakumo-chan". He just couldn't help himself from just watching her figure. While not a fit but somewhat thick body frame like Sayori, Yakumo had that slender frame that people would kill for too.

Yakumo noticed how much Naruto was staring and she blushed playfully. While obviously not interested, she did like how a good looking guy like Naruto would ogle her like that, it made her feel pretty. She smirked to herself as she decided to prank him a bit. She turned to face him, posing by slightly sticking her butt out in a seductive way while showing her supple B cup covered breast by pulling her shoulders inwardly other body. "Naruto-kun......are you trying to steal me from Haku-kun? Trying to get a sneak peek, are you? What would Sayori-chan say?" She said in a teasing voice, which made Naruto flinch with a blush for being caught staring for so long. 'Okay, Naruto. I know you love Sayori and all but I gotta say, this is a temping booty call moment that is debatable. Maybe a hit it and quit it moment?' Kichiro said, analyzing the situation while Naruto shook his head.

'N-N-No! You idiot! Shut up!'. Before Naruto could say anything, he heard a loud shout. "Hey!". Both turned their heads to see Haku standing there with a white tank top with grey sweats on. He just woke up and he had a glass bottle in his hand. One would think that Haku was drinking alcoholic beer but in truth, it was just sparkling water, he just wanted to look tough. He slowly walked over to Naruto, his still sleepy body making him wobble a bit, adding to the whole drunk look. He passed by the Kurama clan member and slapped her ass, making her yelp in shock before he made his way to Naruto and pinned him to the fridge.

"You checking out my girl, Kemosabe?" Was what he said with a fierce glare. Naruto looked down at him, since he was a bit taller than him now. "W-What...n-no". "Cause I swore I saw you checking out my girl's cakes! You think you just do that and I won't know, huh? You wanna get up in there, don't you, you little bitch? You wanna fuck my girl?! You want me to beat the breaks off you?!". "Haku...please sweetie, it was just teasing!" Yakumo said, putting her hands on the pretty boy's shoulders to pull him off Naruto. "Yeah....just teasi-". Haku swiftly turned himself and Yakumo around before he grabbed Yakumo's ass with his hand, firmly grasping it. He turned his head to Naruto with a glare. "This is my ass, you hear?! MY BOOTY!". 'YEAH, HIS BOOTY!'. Naruto mentally slapped the shit out of Kichiro, who just took it while mumbling that Naruto was racist before staying silent.

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