14. Chunin Exam Finals

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It was finally time. The time that all of Konoha and the other villages that happened to be attending were waiting for. The Chunin Exam Finals were here. Things were going to be very hectic and most of the inhabitants were unaware of what was happening today so most were pretty excited for today. Naruto was on his way to the Stadium with Kichiro head higher than usual. Today was the day that Naruto can finally let lose at 100%, he was ready to show everyone that he was powerful and he got there all on his own.

'Ummmmmm.... Remember the older blonde did help you out, remember? So I wouldn't say you were 100% by yourself....'. 'Well you can say that you can 100% shut the fuck up!'. 'But can you 100% make me shut up though, that's the million dollar question?'. Naruto didn't even want to let Kurama annoy him with his smartass remarks, he had a bet and a Chunin Exam to win and no one is stopping him. He was sure that Jiraiya taught Menma the Rasengan but no one but Minato and him knew that he, as well, mastered it.

He wondered what Naruko had mastered as that thought crossed his mind but whatever came to mind, he knew it was seal related and he needed to watch out for her. Yakumo as well since she can have his ass in a genjutsu and he wouldn't even know it. 'You also have that Gaara kid too you know. But with your power, I wouldn't be too worried though. Just make sure you take him down before he forms into Shukaku, then and only then, will you be fucked but again, I wouldn't worry about it'. Kurama said before he closed his eyes and began to sleep but also said.

'And when you're fighting you're brother or sister, make sure you get my chakra from them! It's mine!". Naruto nodded his head, he was already planning on doing that. Today's the day where he'll be stripping his siblings of their privileges and giving it back to where it rightfully belongs. Then he would be the true Jinchuriki. Kichiro looked out of Naruto's Haori and saw both Sayori and Yakumo walking. "Hey! Yakumo-Chan, Sayori-Chan!" the small fox yipped so the two girls can see them. The girls stopped and turned to see their teammate walking up to them.

"Oh, Hey Naruto! Kichiro! Are you guys ready?" Yakumo asked as she herself was ready but kind of nervous herself. Thanks to her clan training and Anko's help, she can hopefully beat Naruko and maybe even Naruto. 'Wishful thinking, I know but still I-I won't know unless I try!' she thought. Naruto smiled. "You know it, Omoi won't know what hit him! It'll be pointless to even go full out at all untill Gaara at least". Sayori scoffed. "Oh please!" she said as they walked to the stadium. In silence the three walked in to see the giant stadium in view. They reached the entrance but as Naruto and Yakumo were about to join the others, Sayori spoke.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Sayori said to Naruto. Naruto turned to Yakumo, who had a shit eating grin on her face. She grabbed Kichiro from Naruto's pocket. "Come on, we'll leave them to talk in private. We'll wait with the others". Kichiro growled lowly. "But Yakumo! I wanna hear what they have to say....". Yakumo smirked at the fox. "Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure that Luna woman would like to hear about your little inappropriate dream of a certain wolf?". Kichiro looked limp and sickly. "HAKU TOLD YOU?!" he shouted as Yakumo walked off with the fox, the latter begging for her not to tell.

Naruto and Sayori smiled as they watched them leave before the latter got serious and faced Naruto. She had a bit of a blush on her face as she looked at him. She would be lying if she thought that the Naruto in front of her, the one that she had come to know over the past few months wasn't attractive. His beautiful skin tone and his cute little whisker marks, his ocean blue eyes and his calm and determined aura that surrounded him.

His warm personality and smile was golden because when you see it, it means he has his trust in you. Sayori can fully say that she likes Naruto Kitsune. But she had to make sure of something before she made her move on him. "So.... Um... Have you and Temari.. Have you....". She struggled to say the words. She tried to follow what her mother told her to do, to be honest but that was harder than she thought. She made it seem so easy.

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