58.5 Kage Summit Commences!

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Kurotsuchi glared at the ever so calm Kitsune as he analyzed her. "Get ready to die!" She said as she charged at Naruto, who looked kinda surprised. He decided not to attack as he opted to dodge. Kurotsuchi sent a fast fist to the blonde's face, which he simply diverted with a slap of his hand. Kurotsuchi didn't let up as she sent another barrage of fists that were fast as hell but not fast enough to take him down in the slightest. "Well, you're quite fierce, aren't you?" He said in a rather amused tone. This further aggravated her as she was already pissed that she couldn't land a single hit.

She calmed herself before smirking. "Just what I'd expect from the Yellow Flash. You are quite a formidable opponent". Naruto dodged a kick before he turned to face her again. "Actually, you got the wrong id-". "Save it! I'll just have to extend my range, is all!". She pulled out her blade and rushed at him. 'She's rather impulsive and reckless....she almost kinda reminds me of Menma' Naruto thought as he jumped away from the crazed Iwa Jonin. He kept jumping away when she neared him to cut or slice him. "Stop being a coward and fight!" She said, her anger now getting the best of her. "No" Naruto simply said. "Why?!". "Because you're just not worth the effort" he said, taking a page out of his girlfriend's book. The real reason was that he didn't want to start anything to cause international warfare between Konoha and Iwa again plus he didn't want to disrespect the Samurai's orders of keeping the peace in the palace.

He won't raise his fist or Jutsu to harm anyone that didn't harm the Hokage. His response to the Iwa nin however, made her go crazy internally but outwardly, she just chuckled. "Oh, you want effort, huh? I'll show you effort!". She slammed the blade in the floor before rushing through handseals, ending on the snake handeal. Naruto frowned as she built up chakra in her lungs. "Lava Style: Quicklime Jutsu!". Naruto watched with surprise. 'She isn't stupid enough to use a Jutsu of acidic nature here of all places, is she?!'. Before she could exhale the Jutsu, suddenly, she was encased in rock. "HEY! LEMME GO!" she said as she dispelled the channeled chakra from her body. "Sorry but Lord Tsuchikage requested me to, Kurotsuchi" a nasally voice said as a huge man that rivals the Akamichi clan head in size revealed himself.

The man is a large and imposing man, with dark eyes and black hair that spikes out at the back from underneath his bandanna-styled forehead protector. He also has large cheeks, and a plump nose which give him an overall look of constant joviality. He wears the red Iwagakure uniform which has both its sleeves, underneath his flak jacket, and accentuates it with a yellow scarf which he wraps around his neck.

"Akatsuchi-". "Don't try and talk your way out of this, stupid girl" a grumpy voice said as a small man flew to her face as Kurotsuchi, who grew sheepish. The man was a very short, old man with a triangular beard and a moustache that had angular corners, a big red nose and thick eyebrows. The top of his head was completely bald, although, he had long white hair on the lower-half of his head which is styled in a traditional chonmage hair cut, the back of which was tied with a yellow ribbon into a topknot. The man wore a split apart green coat divided into four sections with yellow trimmings, and a red collar. Underneath he wore the traditional Iwa outfit consistent of a light green version of Iwa flak jacket and mesh armour. He however had both his sleeves of his shirt, but kept the single lapel on his right side. Along with this, he wore sandals.

"Oh, come on old man. Can you blame me considering who he is!". The short man turned his head to see the blonde Shinobi before him and even he was taken back. 'Minato.....no....that's not him. Looks like him but no...thats-'. "Lord Tsuchikage, it is an honor to meet you" Naruto said, bowing respectfully. Onoki smirked while Kurotsuchi glared at the blonde. "Come on, old man! Let's take this blonde bastard down together!". "No, that's quite enough, granddaughter". The girl turned to her Kage in shock. "W-What?! But the Yellow Flash-". "Honestly, as a Jonin, your analytical skills need work. This isn't the Yellow Flash of Konoha". Now Kurotsuchi was confused. "What? But he fits the description! Sun blonde hair, sky blue eyes, tan skin-".

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