58. 5 Kage Summit Invitation

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The Next Day

"Naruto, I need all of these papers for budget cuts and raises combed through and signed within the hour! Also, I need you to read the terms and agreements to the Wave village's new trading contract with Konoha! We also have a meeting with Civilian council head too. They wanna discuss more financial repairs to the vendors of the village and finally, we need to sort through the missions and label them through S RANK to D RANK" Tsunade said, looking at the extensive list of things they had to do today. Naruto widened his eyes in shock when he saw all the bullshit that he had to do. "When the fuck do we get a lunch break?!" he asked. 

Tsunade smiled. "Easy! we find time in-between.....if we're lucky to find time, that is. Lets go, Naruto! Chop! Chop!". The Senju princess turned to her desk and began her long files of work. Naruto looked at his desk that was faced on her left with a huge stack of paperwork. 'And this is the files that she shared with me from her own pile.....oh god I'm not doing this.....' he thought in a pain. 'Yeah, good luck with all that shit. Thank God I'm a fox! This shit is alien to me!' . 'True! with you here I can have a roast pit fire and just cook you! Good thinking, Kichi! you always were intelligent'

'You're a sick, twisted fuck, Naruto!'. Naruto smiled to himself before saw his problem before him. "I don't see that pile getting even remotely smaller, Naruto!" Tsunade said. "Its not gonna get smaller until I'm as old as you! it'll take two......" he froze mid sentence before he looked at Minato's picture on the wall as he saw the man practically smirk. "You ingenious little asshole!" he thought out loud, which caught Tsunade's attention. "What was that?". Naruto just smiled widely before putting his hands together to form a handsign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!". in huge cloud of smoke, 4 Naruto's appeared and began to shuffle through the paper work a lot faster while Naruto smiled. 

Tsunade widened her eyes before she herself smiled. "You know, brat? You're a true gem!" she repeated the process and summoned 2 clones herself to begin the process of paperwork. With the multiple copies doing the paperwork themselves, they could have a nice relaxing break. Tsunade smiled as she looked at Naruto. "Heh. Keep thinking like that, brat, and we may make a good Hokage out of you". Naruto rolled his eyes. "Oh please. This wasn't even my idea. I just remembered when I saw Minato do it, that's all". "Yeah sure, whatever. Anyway, you just bought us some time. We should probably get to the other tasks at hand".

Naruto nodded his head. "Yeah. We probably should. It's the most responsible thing to do in our position. Or......". Tsunade turned to him with raised eyebrow, wondering what was the other alternative

25 minutes later

"Cheers!" Tsunade and Naruto said in unison, clanking together jugs full of Sake and Soda, respectively. The two now sat in a bar for brunch as they ordered food and relax, leaving the office to the clones. "I can't believe you talked me into this, Naruto..." Tsunade said taking a sip of her sake. "Yeah, it took a gruesome minute of saying 'Let's get some brunch at the local BBQ bar while they work'. You damn lush". Tsunade sighed happily as she took a good swig. "What can I say, I'm a hard girl to convince. Say, you should be careful, being seen with me here, like this. People would assume we're on a date, you know?" Tsunade lightly teased which Naruto scoffed.

"Ha! Yeah right! Just hurry up and eat". "What? Most men would kill to be in your position right now. To take the Slug Queen Sannin on a date like this-". "One, we're not on a date, you hag. We're strictly colleagues getting a meal together. Two, My woman is far badder than you are so I'm fine. Three, most men don't know the shallow, rude, annoyance that you are. So trust me, they ain't missing out". Tsunade's vein began to twitch in her forehead. "Asshole....". "Yep! That is who I am. Now shut up and let's eat, I'm starving". The two dug in with little discussion of the tasks at hand today after their meal.

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