13. Training Time! The Secrets Of The Fourth Hokage's Ultimate Jutsu!

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(Time-skip next week Monday)

Naruto woke up to Kichiro yipping in his ear. "Get up, Naruto! It's time to train!" he shouted as he jumped off the bed. Naruto sighed. His fox was too energetic at times, especially when its the morning but inwardly. He knew he was right though, this month, he needed to put himself through the ringer if he wanted to get stronger. Lord knows whatever that Omoi character is doing to get stronger, he knows he's not waiting for him that's for sure.

"Yeah, Yeah, keep your fur on, you little mutt" he said in his groggy voice. He did his usual stretching in the morning to losen up his joints before he moved to the door of his room and exited with the hyper fox. Naruto made it to the kitchen to see Haku cooking up a storm. "Good morning Haku-san! You didn't have to cook so much today. Sometimes, I'd wish you'd let me do the cooking". Haku smiled at Naruto with a heartwarming smile.

"Good morning, Naruto-kun and please, this is the least I can do to repay you for letting me stay here with you! Besides, you have a big day ahead of you. You need your breakfast!" he said before as he was putting the finishing touches on the food. "Breakfast should be ready shortly, go wait at the table!". Naruto chuckled and nodded as he moved to the table. Haku was such a kind soul. As Naruto sat down, Kichiro jumped on his lap. "Anyway, so what jutsu will I be learning?". "Nothing right now, our combination is fine as it is, Kichiro-kun. We don't need to fix what isn't broken. I can't rely on you the whole fight you know".

The Fox pouted. "What's that supposed to mean?!". Naruto petted him. "I'm saying, you're on standby during the fight untill I say so, K-kun! Don't worry, you're a wind type and I'm pretty sure Omoi is a lightning style user. I might need your help more than you think. Your wind is a potential threat to him so be on standby!". Kichiro smiled. "Yes sir!" he yipped. Naruto laughed as he petted him, getting a pleased look from his face.

Haku came in with three plates balanced on his arms perfectly. He placed down his and Naruto's plate of pancakes while giving the little fox his meal, which again was a steak. "Haku-chan! You spoil me so well!" Kichiro said before attacking his food with gutso while Haku watched him with a little chuckle. "So, Naruto-kun, what will you be doing for training again". Naruto cut into his pancakes and ate the piece he cut before speaking.

"Well, for my training this month, I'll be working on my Kenjutsu and Genjutsu on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays while I work with my speed and Jutsu with Minato on Fridays, Saturdays while I take Sundays off to rest" he listed his schedule. 'Wait kit, remember, I still need to teach you a new technique. It'll help with your Taijutsu actually. It utilizes the fox fire you have but on a different scale' Kurama said which Naruto nodded his head with a smirk. Oh yeah, he'll be a beast in these exams.

Haku smiled. "Wow, you'll have a busy month! I'll be rooting for you in the exams, just count on that, Naruto-kun!". Naruto smiled. "Thanks Haku-san. Honestly, you'll be one of the few that do" he said sadly. Kichiro, sensing his master's sadness, spoke. "Oh please, like we need a bunch of fake ass people cheering us on. To be honest, if they're booing us, they're just hating cause we kicked ass and looked good doing it! Don't worry about those loser civilians, Naruto-kun! They fucking suck. They're civilians. They don't matter to you in the long run!".

'My kit has a point, Naruto. They don't matter to you. I've lived by a motto, Naruto. It goes "Fuck civilians, they aren't worth millions". They don't matter, really they don't'. Naruto laughed. Only Kurama could come up with that saying. "Yeah, you two are quite right. Thank you!" He said as he kept eating his food while Haku smiled and laughed while listening to Kichiro for his latest plan on getting at Akamaru again, which involves little collar bells and razor with a really cool hair cut design for the pup. 'That poor dog/That poor dog' Naruto, Haku and Kurama thought as Kichiro had that fox grin, planning something evil.

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