3. Team Placement

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Today was the day, the day that Naruto, Menma and Naruko are going to their Genin Exams to become a full fledged Shinobi. Naruto sighed as he got out of bed and got dressed in his new clothes that he picked out. He decided that his orange jumpsuit was too ugly and unbecoming of a shinobi so he needed a change. So he had on black ANBU pants with white wrapping around his ankles. He walked to his bed to pick up Kichiro, who was yawning from the long but enjoyable sleep he's taken.

"Morning, Naruto-kun, ready to kick ass today?" The fox asked. Naruto chuckled. "Haha, calm down. While yes, I'm ready to show that I'm not an idiot but I can't show too much aka I can't use my wood style. If I shown that at my party, Jiraya and Minato would've been all over my ass, let's not even mention the shithole council of Konoha" Naruto said as he picked up the red fox on his shoulder and walked out the door but once he did, he immediately regretted it as he saw Kushina and Naruko heading down the stairs to prepare breakfast.

Kushina spotted him first and smiled hopefully. "Hey Sochi....would you like some breakfast? You'll need your energy when your in your Genin Exams...". Naruto watched her in annoyance. "Oh, I'm surprised you remembered i even go to the academy. Wow..." He said as he head down the stairs, not caring about Kushina's sad expression that washed on her face. Naruko sighed. "Nii-san, please, just eat with us?" She pleaded. Naruto didn't even respond to her as he made his way out the house, leaving tge females totally crushed but made their way to the kitchen to cook anyway.

Naruto meanwhile, was heading to the academy to chill. Now, usually when he went to the academy, he would go early so he could take his number one spot: the top left corner of the class, the window seat. It's the best seat in the class as he can observe everything that goes on in class and he no one would really bother him. He may act like a dumb ass when it came to tests but when it came to his classmates, he rather not speak to them as they are rather annoying. Kichiro unraveled from his usual spot on Naruto's neck and stretched. "ahhhhh! That's nice, look Naruto. I really hope you don't hold back in here. Seriously, as my usual entertainment goes, I just see everybody in here just go in and disrespect you and you let them get away with it. I wanna see a change! Starting with that foul Inuzuka kid!" the fox complained.

Naruto chuckled. Ever since Naruto started going to the academy with Kichiro, a kid named Kiba Inuzuka and his hound, Akamaru would usually try and sniff the fox out. In fact, without anyone's knowing besides Naruto of course, the pup and the kit had a bit of a beef going. When Kiba would let Akamaru out of the classroom to go do his business, Kichiro would always find a way to mess with the pup. A few months ago actually, Akamaru had to go to the vet with pink coating because somehow, Kichiro got his paws on some food dye and mixed it in his soap to bathe. The kit will never quit laughing after that.

"I know K-kun but honestly, humiliating Kiba and everyone else is not on the top of my to do list. Sure it would be satisfying to see their shocked looks but really I'm just trying to make it to Genin and then move out of home when I earn enough from those horrible D-Rank missions" Naruto stated. This was the plan from the get go. He ever since he was young, when the abuse was so much, he made a goal for himself to one day move out of the Uzumaki household and get a place for himself. The only way to do so were two ways. One, grow old to be 16 where he was at legal age to get out or two, become a full fledge shinobi and move out.

Since he rather not wait that long to get out, option two was looking to be his best bet and with the help of the Kitsune, his goal will surely be achieved. After waiting a good hour and a half, people started filing in. At first it was a couple of no body students that came in but then the clan heirs and heiresses started walking in. The first one to walk in was Kiba and his dog who honestly didn't even notice him, which he was grateful for to be honest. He didn't really care for the mutt and his attitude sucked. Next was the Nara boy, Shikamaru and his pal, Choji Akamichi. He had conversed with them a few times but not all that much.

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