52. Prophecy is a Prophecy Part 1 Can Konoha Just Live Life Without Nearly Dying

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Sayori was going at it with Anko and Yugao during the spar, so much so that to the other Kunoichi, it seemed like they were really trying to kill one another. Anko and Sayori were in a Taijutsu bout with on another, the former actually losing. Anko wasn't formidable in Taijutsu like Guy was. Hell, no one has the Taijutsu experience of Guy but she knew she wasn't no slouch. She had the Snake Style, a formidable Style passed on to her by her wretched sensei Orochimaru.

The Style made her very flexible bending her body in ways that made no sense to the naked eye but Sayori's flexibility is something to behold. Her reaction time too was incredible as well as her innate ability to switch from offense to defense in a matter of a second is beyond her. Anko had fought Uchihas before, during her time getting to the rank of Chunin to Special Jonin, she had to rise up during these exams after all, so she had to face numerous shinobi, including Uchiha and other clan like shinobi from her own village.

But she had never, ever fought someone so skilled before. She had never directly faced Itachi before but she had an inkling of an idea how powerful he was if Sayori was his little sister. Anko would do a flip in the air to create momentum for a nasty overhead to the forehead but the Uchiha prodigy caught the foot before slamming her sensei on the grass before she kicked her back. Anko took the attack rather well.

The Snake Kunoichi threw multiple Kunai at the Uchiha, who dodged them rather gracefully. Sayori's Sharingan eye caught glimpse of a fast moving purple blur rush at her airborne body. Yugao had rushed at her rather fast that shocked even Sayori as she hadn't expected such speed from her. Yugao caught Sayori during her movement of dodging Anko's precise kunai throws. Unsheathing her blade, she went to create a good slash to her body. Non-lethal cut, of course.

Sayori's eyes watched Yugao closely, analyzing Yugao and her move, predicting what she'd do next. She waited till the last minute as Yugao swung her blade. As the blade neared her arm, Sayori twisted her body avoiding the blade. She landed on all fours like a cat before she tackled Yugao quickly before the ANBU Kunoichi could attack again with the sword. Yugao was a quick enough, thanks to her dedicated years in the ANBU. She was deadly enough on her own but when she had a sword in her hands, her reach was longer and even more dangerous.

If not for the gracious power of Sharingan, Sayori might have been really bloody from this spar. Yugao kept her strikes firm and quick, though never really cutting Sayori but pressuring her in being more quick and not letting her guard down. Anko took advantage of this opening as she slithered in the fight and kicked Sayori's back. As the Uchiha rolled on the ground, she threw shuriken charged with Lightning chakra.

Yugao blocked them with her blade and Anko gracefully dodged it. When Sayori caught herself she went through handseals. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!". Sayori sent a fire jutsu, straight at Yugao and Anko. The latter ran through handseals. "I'll hold it off! You get her, Yugao! Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" Anko shouted, countering the Uchiha jutsu. While this was going on, Yugao rushed to the side to get Sayori. "Gotcha!" When she moved her blade close to the body, Sayori's body erupted in electricity, catching Yugao by surprise.

When Yugao was taken cared of, Anko watched as her friend was electrocuted. "Huh?". Suddenly, Sayori broke free from the ground and tackled Anko to rhe ground, the woman was shocked. When she landed on her back, Sayori straddled her with a Kunai at her neck. "Yeild". "Okay....Okay, you got me!". Sayori smiled. "Good move, sensei!". "Yeah well...you got me. I was genuinely surprised. You grew strong, Sayori. Very strong. I know, as a sensei, I haven't taught you shit all but from seeing you, Naruto and Yakumo grow from snot nosed Genin, I'm proud of you, honestly". Sayori smiled with a light blush.

"Thank you, sensei!". "Sayori-chan, you just beat sensei!" Yakumo said with a smile. Anko cracked her neck with a sheepish smile. "Yeah but it was bound to happen at some point. I saw this from when I saw the three of you during our first meeting. The three of you would have surpassed me quite easily. As a Sensei, that fills me with nothing but pride". Sayori and Yakumo smiled as Anko hugged them. "My gakis!". Yakumo hugged back fully while Sayori put an arm around her sensei.

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