18. Fight Gaara, They Said. It'll Be Easy They Said Part 1

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In the recovery room, Naruto was being healed by the hospitals second in chain, Shizune. She was also one of the few people that didn't shun Naruto when he was younger and whenever he was hurt extensively from training or from the abuse of others, he would go to her to heal his wounds. She was his secret personal medic. She was also what Naruto would consider, his big sister. "Naruto-kun, you really do too much sometimes! And you too, Kichiro-kun. I'm not a miracle worker like Lady Tsunade!".

Naruto smiles as she bandaged him up as well as Kichiro's leg. She healed most of the important stuff like the fractured skull, internal bleeding and dislocated shoulder but his ribs will take some time healing, as well as Kichiro's broken leg. "Well if we weren't crazy like this, the excitement from your life would be gone, Shizune-nee!" Naruto smiled as well as his little fox which got a annoyed but amused Medic nin. "Just be careful next time. I would automatically say that you should forfeit your next match but I doubt you'd listen to me, would you?". Naruto smiled wider. "You know me too well, sis. I have to put this to bed. I'd say be on standby though I'll try not to get too hurt like last time".

Shizune sighed. She wondered if Naruto just loved pain like some of those weird people she'd see in those brothels. She left the room, leaving a distraught Sayori. The others in the room left, leaving just the young Uchiha girl who was utterly silent. "What's up, Sayori-chan?". "You, you idiot! What else am I to worry about right now?! You shouldn't fight him. You should be resting!". Naruto smiled as he petted his fox. "You know, normally how this story goes is that you are worried that he'll kill me or something. You sound as if you have the utmost confidence in me".

Sayori shouted at him. "Of course I do! There's no Genin in Konoha capable of beating you, some Chunin would be hard pressed in beating you too. Gaara is no different. He's just a creep with sand. I know you can beat him. Though like this, I'm a bit worried. He's an unstable kid. At 100%, I know I you would slap him but when your down a few pegs in power due to your injuries, I can't help but worry". Naruto smiled as he held out his hand and some of nine tails chakra leaked out on will. Sayori watched it in awe. "You.... You have... You stole the nine tails chakra back?!".

Naruto grunted. "Of course I did! Why else would I be so determined to accept the bet with them in the first place, Sayori-chan, or furthermore, to even fight them here. I wanted back Kurama's chakra for him! With this, I am the true Nine Tails Jinchuriki, they only have the scrapes of chakra that have integrated into their own chakra pool. If I took that then it would kill them so I had to take the stuff that was unaffected and Kurama will just recharge what was missing". 'Yep! And I'm around 80% recharged thanks to the returning chakra. Now it'll take some long, long sleep to regain 20% maybe a few weeks at best if I use the normal sleep and wake up routine. If I were to go straight to sleep and don't wake up, few days as most'.

'Then what the fuck, do the last option, it'll save so much time!'. 'The thing is, asshat, is that I can't lend you my chakra at any given time since I'll be sleeping. You can't wake me for anything once I sleep. It's almost like hibernation. All my systems shut off and you have no access to my chakra. You'll be on your own till I wake up! I cut off the link between us. The only way to access me is through Fuinjutsu and you're noooo fuinjutsu master!'. Naruto groaned. Option one seemed too long but it was safer seeing as he'll have a second source of chakra no matter what but he can't go wild. Option two seemed better seeing as it'll only be days but he won't be able to access anything of Kurama so option one is the safest.

'Alright! We'll go with option one to be safe. I don't know know, I feel like some dumb shits about to happen soon, Ima need everything I have to be able to get outta that! Rest well though Fuzzynuts!'. 'I'm not going to sleep now asshole!'. Naruto chuckled and Sayori smiled. "You talking with Kurama again?". "Yeah, Fuzzynuts is being a bit mean today" he answered, ignoring a loud growl in his head. Sayori laughed. "You need to stop calling a mountain sized Fox such a vulgar name". 'GOOD SAYORI! TELL THIS FUCKER AGAIN!' Kurama roared.

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