19. The Invasion

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"I hope you have a plan of attack, Naruto-sama" Kichiro spoke as he sniffed out the Sand siblings chasing them. Naruto smiled. "I have a plan.....attack!". That made both Kichiro and Kurama just sweat drop. 'I'm gonna die/I'm gonna die' both foxes thought in unison. The Invasion started quite abruptly for everyone, more especially for Naruto as he was in the middle of his match with Gaara, though he had yet to finish it seeing as it was interrupted.

He expected for just Gaara to just follow him out here but he never expected his siblings to follow him so he had three enemies to deal with. 'No matter, Kankuro is a puppet user so his defenses shouldn't be too hard and Temari isn't too complicated either as her Jutsu are wind jutus, though she can be a mean strategist when she wants to be. Gaara will be the real problem though. The situations I get myself into...'. Naruto had to think of how to fight all of them at once.

'It's not that big a deal, kit. You got them in the bag. Gaara though, watch out for him'. Naruto nodded with a smirk. With Kurama's motivation in mind, Naruto stopped running. "Naruto-sama? What're you doing? Their hot on your trail!". Naruto smiled. "Divide and conquer, Kichiro!" Naruto shouted as he created 10 Wood clones and all of them, the original included, jumped away from the approaching Sand team. "You wanna fight, find the original me, then and only then, will we fight, Gaara!".

"Find him! If you don't, I'll kill you both, too!". Both Temari and Kankuro looked scared before they agreed and lept to find the clones in different directions. The original Naruto waited in the middle of the forest, sitting down on a branch. "And now we wait....lets see how smart the Sand Jinchuriki is". Meanwhile with the rescue team, Sayori along with Shino, Shikamaru and Yakumo with Pakkun leading the way. "How far out is he?" Yakumo asked.

"He shouldn't be too far, Naruto wouldn't drag the Sand Siblings outside the Fire country border" Shino said with his usual monotone voice. "Well, he isn't far but he isn't all that close either, especially not now" Pakkun said with Sayori on alert. "What are you talking about?". "Well, I can smell his scent but it seems like it split up into multiple different directions". Sayori frowned. "Clones. He's trying to scatter the siblings and Gaara so he has a fair fight!". Shikamaru finally spoke up. "Ohh man, this is such a drag, why did you have to wake me up, Sayori? I was perfectly content with just sleeping on the ground".

"You would rather stay in the stadium and have a chance at being killed rather than save your friend?" the Uchiha girl clapped back. "And besides, you weren't even sleeping, Shikamaru! You were wide awake along with Shino!" Yakumo said but Shikamaru only groaned. "It was a simple Genjutsu, nothing too discerning about it. I was way more content about staying there. Naruto's got this in the bag!". "And if he didn't?!" Sayori asked. Shikamaru remained silent afterwards but sighed.

Sayori just chalked it up to the Nara just being lazy, because even before her and Naruto were even talking on positive terms, she would always spot the two talking. She knew the Nara cared for him, he was just too lazy to show it. "Um" Pakkun started, alerting the whole group. "'Um' what, Pakkun? What's wrong?" Yakumo asked. "We're being followed. It's by.... Um.... Nine... No... Ten. Ten people but I think at least one is a friendly, I think". This put the group in a tense situation. They didn't know they were being followed. They thought they had a clear getaway from the village but clearly not.

"Aw fuck!" Sayori cursed. "How?! I thought we were good! What happened?!". "It's more than likely that the 'friendly' that's following us is more than likely what lead pursuers" Shino said with Shikamaru agreeing. "That's the only possibility. We had the Jonin covering our backs when we left". Sayori turned to Pakkun. "Who's the friendly? Can you describe them?". "All I know is that their scent isn't foreign like the other nine ones so he's of your village. My snout is not that strong".

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