44. Hebi Takes Flight!

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Menma and Sasuke were walking to get Suigetsu, a Hozuki clan member that Orochimaru took in to observe his power since the Hozuki clan can survive nearly anything due to their liquefaction techniques. After walking for a bit, the two have made it to a deep tunnel like cave, signifying that they have reached one of Orochimaru's hideout. "Wait here" the Uchiha said. "What?!" Menma shouted but Sasuke walked ahead of Menma as the Uzumaki waited outside of the hideout.

"Relax, we need Suigetsu, not to piss him off as you do tend to fight everyone you see. You sort of have a tiny dog syndrome" Sasuke said as he walked in, leaving the Uzumaki outside. "Fucking bastard!" The Uzumaki grumbled but sat down on the ground anyway, letting the Uchiha deal with Suigetsu. As Menma waited outside, Kuro spoke to him while he was alone. 'You sure we can trust him?'. 'Suigetsu? Well, he may play all hotshot, but he's a coward, no doubt about it-'. 'No, I mean the Uchiha. What makes you think he won't turn on you? Hell, he's turned on his entire clan! You won't mean much to him'.

Menma only chuckled at the thought. It's true, there was no reason to trust Sasuke in the slightest, not after he turned on the Uchiha, his word meant nothing. Menma thought about it, he knew he was strong as shit now, super strong to the point where he can take on a few of Konoha's top dogs alone and even win. Sticking with Sasuke wasn't even a necessity. 'Yes that's true, Sasuke isn't exactly Mr. Honest man right now but to be quite fair, neither are we, am I right?'. Kuro laughed as he knew it to be true. 'But still, a task gets finished faster when you work with others am I not right again? I can crush Konoha by myself but it'll be even easier with Sasuke and others by my side and when that happens, I'll kill him too and rebuild Konoha on my own! I AM THE TRUE PRINCE OF KONOHA AND I'LL REMODEL IT TO MY LIKING!'.

Kuro just smirked to himself, his vessel was just a evil as him and he absolutely loved it. 'And with him attacking that Blonde boy from before, I get to kill that Nine Taiks and become the true Demon fox!'. Soon Sasuke and Suigetsu came out of the base. Suigetsu is a lean-built young man of average height, straight white hair with almond shaped purple eyes. He wears a purple, sleeveless shirt with blue pants, sandals and a belt around his waist with water bottles attached to it. When Suigetsu spotted Menma, he groans. "GREAT....this asshole. Sasuke, what are you doing with him?!". Menma scowled at him.

"Funny, I told him the same thing about you, Suigetsu, you big waste of space. Jesus, you stink. How can you be in a big tank of water but still fucking smell like ass?!" Menma said but Sasuke stopped Suigetsu. "Enough. Come on, we have to go to the southern hideout". "Hold on, Sasuke! You remember what I said back there right? Unless you went deaf. I'm not going anywhere with you unless-". "Lemme guess! You're gonna say that you need to get Zabuza's sword first before anything! Aren't you a bit small for that Suigetsu?!". Suigetsu growled. He really hated Menma. Sasuke sighed as he quickly eyed the two of them from behind. This was already turning out to be a pain in the ass.

He was now starting to wonder if running a team is worth the trouble since he had his Sharingan and it's strong enough to handle everyone in the village, even Itachi. But what about the rest of the village? There's the Hokage, the Sannin, and he didn't even want to think about the dobe, who somehow risen to Kage like status. Throw his elder brother and twin sister in the mix, he would likely be toast. Even if he's an Uchiha elite, he's not stupid. He needed some people to help share the load. Menma was just as strong as him, just a little weaker due to him not being an Uchiha, unfortunate for the Uzumaki.

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