51. The Million Dollar Question, Thank you Naruto!

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The next following morning, Naruto sat at the kitchen table of the Uchiha household, where Sayori said next to him and held his hand with a light blush on her face. His clones were in the kitchen, whipping up some breakfast for the three as Mikoto pushed to make the tea herself. Sayori put her head on his shoulder as they waited for her mother. "I wish you could stay....that was the best sleep I've had in about a month". "Mhmm...". "Maybe.....soon, we could possibly move into a nice place together?". "Mmmmm....".

Sayori turned to look at Naruto, who looked terrible. "Is something wrong, Naruto-kun?". "Hmmm? Oh me? Oh no, it's just....I'm a little tired is all! Wish I never left Bed!" He said with his trademark fox grin. Sayori frowned a bit as she believed he was lying but the tired look in his blue eyes did look like he was lackingsleep so maybe she was just reading too much into it. "Oh well, I'll drop you home after this okay?". The blonde nodded with a smile.but she was right though. He was hiding something.

He didn't sleep good last night  that's true but it was because he just couldn't believe what Sayori had asked him. 'Marry me, Naruto-kun'. It left him restless the whole night as it was all he was thinking about, almost like a broken record in his head, that line repeating in his brain. 'You're stressing'. 'Huh?' The Kitsune boy asked. 'You're stressing yourself out. Calm down!' The fox said. Naruto sighed as he had to take a deep breath.

During this time, Mikoto made her way back to the table and gazed at Sayori, setting down the tea and the cups. "So you've unlocked your Mangekyou Sharingan?! And you didn't think to say anything?!" Mikoto said in a shock. Sayori looked sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Kaa-san. I should've said something. I was pretty messed up". "Yeah, no kidding. Baka Sayori. Awakening Mangekyou Sharingan is a serious thing. You could've seriously been injured had you truly pushed yourself when you were training!". Sayori looked down in embarrassment but Naruto turned to ask the older Uchiha.

"How dangerous is the Mangekyou Sharingan? What can it do exactly?". Mikoto turned to Naruto and frowned. "The Mangekyou Sharingan is a very special eye. Definitely more powerful than the regular three tomoe Sharingan. The Mangekyou Sharingan still retains all of the default Sharingan abilities but now the Mangekyou Sharingan grants additional abilities that vary between each user who obtain it. Itachi's ability was Tsukuyomi. Shisui's was Kotomatsukami. Your father didn't get to explore his abilities-".

"Tou-san had Mangekyou Sharingan?!". "Yes, he did but he never went public with it. He said that secret techniques should be just that; a secret" Mikoto chuckled but her face went back to serious. "Sayori-chan, you said you discovered your Sharingan ability". "Itachi showed me. He reprogrammed Tsukuyomi in my mind and discovered that I had Nekomata, the ability to copy all other Uchiha special abilities". Naruto frowned. "Pretty clutch ability, don't you think?" 

Sayori glared at him. "Says the guy with damn near unlimited chakra at his disposal, with jutsu that can wipe Konoha and damn near any nation off the map! Oh, not to mention you also have access to two different sources of chakra". "Oh, but eyes that can copy every jutsu along with eyes that can paralyzed and even kill with just a glance is something to just ignore as well!".

Mikoto just watched the two bicker about the other's power and smiled. "Anyway, here". She dropped a bottle full of pills. "What's this?" Sayori asked. "Medication made specifically by Itachi. He coordinated with the Nara clan to make this out of deer antlers. Your brother was suffering sever blindness from overusing the Mangekyou as the price for such the price for such powerful eyes". Mikoto pushed the pills to Sayori. "They reduce the pain substantially and restore vision if it's not too bad. It's not permanent but....". Naruto took the pills and read them.

"These are a special form of antibiotics. This is some high counter stuff. I doubt the Naara would just readily give Itachi these pills unless he was really sick. Does the Mangekyou Sharingan cause you to get sick like that too?". Sayori frowned as she saw her mother stiffen. "Mother?". "Itachi.....was very sick for a long while, Musume. He didn't want you to know and worry over him. He was receiving treatment from Tsunade and Shizune, he was getting better. We caught it early, thankfully. It seemed he was gonna live a normal life. He was gonna be a father". Sayori smiled sadly, grabbing her mother's hand as they both teared up.

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