20. Invasion Aftermath

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"Arg" Naruto grunted as he woke up in a white room on a bed. "Okay, so I'm in a hospital, what happened?" he thought out loud. Last thing he remembered was taking down Gaara, he didnt know what happened afterwards. 'You were unconscious, chakra exhaustion. You were out for two days" Kurama informed him. 'Two days?! Two days...What happened?' Naruto asked. Kurama shrugged his shoulders. 'Beats the fuck outta me! I don't know, you had visitors but they weren't saying much. That Shizune lady would take care of you often and Sayori, Yakumo, Anko and Haku would see you but not much else'.

Naruto nodded his head in understanding. He looked around, hoping to find his fox companion. "Where did Kichiro go?" he said as he got up from the bed, wearing a navy blue shirt and grey sweats (Basically Sasuke's outfit from when he fought Naruto on the roof of the hospital). He began to walk around the hospital, hopefully to find someone. He noticed their were more people in the hospital than usual, seeing as a lot of people were injured during the Invasion, some were most likely on their deathbed, just saying their final goodbyes to their loved ones, which inwardly tore at Naruto, though he couldn't explain why.

While these people, he could care less for, the feeling of saying goodbye to a member of your family, felt sympathy for them. He just hopes he never experiences that. Nurses were flying down each hall in a speedy fashion, they were overrun and under staff. Not a lot of doctors are in the force nowadays since the last great war. He had yet to even see the streets of Konoha, he didn't know what they looked like. "Naruto". Naruto turned to see Shizune standing there with a clipboard.

"Shizune-nee!". "Naruto, what are you doing here? You should be resting!" the medic said. "Sorry, I just woke up and I was curious as to know where everyone was and how long I was out? Also, Where's Kichiro?". Shizune sighed. "Well, don't worry, you're teammates are fine, don't worry. Sayori had a few bumps and some slight chakra exhaustion but she'll live. Yakumo had more serious injuries but not too serious. She had some deep cuts but she'll live. She was released yesterday so as long as she takes it easy, she'll make full recovery. And Anko..... Well, who really has the energy and the unstable mind to kill Anko?".

Naruto nodded his head with 100% agreement, that woman is a different breed. "Well, I think I seen Kichiro go off with that older fox, so you should summon him later, Naruto-kun. As to how long you've been here? Lemme see....its been a long day and so many patients are swarming in left and right so forgive me if I don't know right off the bat". Naruto shook his head with a sad smile. "Its alright really, Shizune-nee. I understand. How is the village recovering". Shizune frowned. "It's been.....worse but we're definitely not in a very good spot right now, Naruto-kun. Many perished in the attack, including the Third Hokage....". Naruto frowned. He may not have been closed to the man, but Hiruzen was fair to him, he at least acknowledged his existence. He wasn't very sad about his untimely death but he couldn't say he was overly happy about it either, he was just...indifferent.

"Ahh! Here we are, you were in here for two days from chakra exhaustion. Look, Naruto-kun. You have large chakra reserves for your age, even with the Nine Tails chakra boost now, but don't push it okay?". "Okay Nee-san, I got it. So you figured it out about Kyubi huh?". Shizune sighed. "It wasn't hard to figure out since I was in the room to check up on you. I had to do examinations to figure out what was wrong with you. Your chakra was little but it was attached to something red aura too, besides, Jiraiya wouldn't shut up about you stealing your siblings gifts". "Well it was never a gift to begin with so they can suck eggs" Naruto groaned.

"Speaking of, you should check in on Hokage-sama, he's checked in. He suffered a stab from Orochimaru's snake skin blade trying to protect the Third Hokage before he died. We got the poison out of his body so he'll live. He's been asking for you since he heard of your hospitalization. Go visit him. He's down the hall to the second last door on the left. I have to go now, my break is over. Take care Naruto-kun". "Wait, where can I check out? I'm feeling fine, I can leave right?". Shizune turns around and smile sweetly. "That's the thing, Naruto-kun! You don't check out! You're not leaving here untill I say so.....".

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