49. Then There Was One......Part 2

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At the Fire Nation Border

A woman with blue hair was walking towards the border of the Wind Nation, heading over to the Earth Nation with nothing but jealousy and anger in her heart, looking to make a deal with the Tsuchikage with information of her former village. What led to her desertion was two people of the Uchiha. The man of her eye, Itachi Uchiha. The thought of him just had her nethers quiver at just the mere thought of him. She remembered the time he talked to her back in tge academy before he graduated early.

I mean he merely asked for a pencil since he forgot it at home but the eye contact, the sheer look if intensity in his Gaze, they way he touched her arm when he reached for the pencil in her hand.....she just knew then and there that they were meant to be together. She would always follow his every move after that, his training when he was alone, him caring for little baby Sasuke and Sayori, him hanging out with Shisui. But he would always give her the cold shoulder, never really acknowledging her because he was busy or just didn't know her but she always took it as a challenge but that all changed till recently when she found out a scary fact.

He was cheating on her with some skank from the Uchiha clan, Izumi. Izumi was always in the way of her and Itachi, just another one of his fan girls in the way of their true love. But what really mind boggled her was the fact that Itachi qas buying in her little flirtatious slutty games and decided to cheat on her with Izumi! Kaya Sarutobi had enough! She'd flatten Her along with the rest of Konoha just to prove to Itachi that she was willing to go the distance to prove that Izumi was nothing but talk and that she herself was the one for the Uchiha, not her.

'Watch out Izumi! You and everyone in Konoha are dead meat'. As Kaya was about to cross the border, there stood Naruto, right in front of her, appearing in a yellow flash, startling Kaya. He appeared on a sand dune, looking down on her like gum on a shoe, loathing her existence right now. "Hm, so I take it you're Kaya Sarutobi? Never seen a blue haired Sarutobi before. You're a rare commodity". Kaya eyed the boy with slight fear since she knew who he was, anyone who lived in Konoha respected his name, let alone knew it. Anyone outside of Konoha feared that name let alone respected it. When you see this boy in front of you and he has business with you, you already done fucked up.

Kaya thought she'd at least get a lower ranked nin after her, or ANBU. Someone predictable but she got the most dangerous one, what would be worse was to send the Hokage instead but the way rumors are spreading, this boy was already surpassing him so seems she already got rhe worse end of the stick. "You're N-Naruto Kitsune, aren't you?". Naruto grinned. "I'm flattered, someone whose Itachi's standard knows who I am?! Jeez I'm coming up in the world". Kaya winced, he was mocking her.

He knew damn well that she was no where near an slightly above average Uchiha's capabilities, let alone the greatness that was Itachi Uchiha. Naruto smiled at her, menacingly. "So, what was your plan, hm? Go to an opposing village and trade secrets? Raid Konoha because you're a stalker by nature and was ignored like the scum that you are and dont even deserve to be eaten by the stray animals that roam the street at night?". Kaya glared hard at him. "Don't be stupid! Me and Itachi were in love!". "Oh God, change your hair to pink, you'd remind me a lot of my old classmate" Naruto said a bit sickly.

"How'd you find me?". "Fox tracking. I am the Fox Summoner, remember?". Naruto said, taking a step off a dune and landing right before her. Kaya backed up in fear but Naruro sighed as he stared at her. "Now, I'll ask again - For the last time - what were you going to do?". "I was going to destroy Konoha! Raze it to the ground!". "Huh? So you thought to go to the Tsuchikage with this kind of information then huh? Well, okay. I mean I already knew but I just wanted to see if you were gonna be honest about it or not". He stretched his body while Kaya looked confused. "Huh? Honest?"

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