22. Retrieval Arc, In Cuffs Or Body Bag?

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Timeskip - 9 hours later

Menma and Sasuke were running through the forest with Menma in front, Sasuke behind him. The Uzumaki and Uchiha were tracking down Orochimaru's henchmen after brutally murdering Naruto's Fox familiar, Kichiro. Menma and Sasuke felt pretty good about that personally as Naruto was a thorn in their sides for a long while and it felt like they were finally on the path of getting their long deserved revenge on the blonde.

Sasuke looked up and saw how Menma kept glancing at the scroll. "Are we almost there idiot?". Menma glared back at him with hatred. Besides Naruto, if there was one person he absolutely didn't like, it was Sasuke. He was his ultimate rival so he's still a bit bitter at the fact that he had to take him on his journey for power. "Hold on duckass! The scroll will glow once we reached them, for now, nothing". Sasuke frowned. "Well, we need to hurry up! Konoha should know of our deserting now and will more than likely send out a team for us! It might be our own families, the Uchiha police force-". "Or Jiraya, Tsunade and Kushina! But mostly, I believe they'll send my dumb ass brother!".

"If so, I'll kill him, just like his mutt. No one stands in the way of an Uchiha!". 'Good luck with that, moron...'. "Once I get power, I'll raze Konoha to the ground and start it from scratch!". "And when I get power, I'll Reform the Uchiha clan back to the glory days of Madara Uchiha! I'll be the leader of my clan and be unstoppable!". But it got real silent when the two thought to themselves. 'But in order to achieve that, after dealing with everyone, I'll have to kill Menma/Sasuke too. Sorry, but you don't get to live to see that dream of yours...'. Soon after that, they remained silent and kept moving to the destination of the Henchmen untill a kunai was thrown right in front of the branch that Menma was supposed to step on, making him stop and Sasuke bump into him, both crashing down to the grown.

"You idiot! Why'd you stop?!" Sasuke glared at him, rubbing his forehead as his head crashed into the back of Menma's head. Menma looked back at him. "Because, I nearly got impaled by a kunai, we're under attack!". That alerted Sasuke as he pulled out kunai and activated his Sharingan. The two were back to back before they were surrounded by four people. Three of them were male whole the last one was a female.

One was a dark skinned man with black, shaggy hair tied into a ponytail and black eyes. He was the second-tallest member of the team and was always depicted with a confident grin on his face. Uniquely, he also had six arms and an eye on his forehead that was usually closed and concealed under his black Oto Headband. Another one was a large and imposing young man, towering over the rest of his teammates. He had fair-skin and narrowed, slanted orange eyes, usually depicted with a stern look on his face. He had three tufts of orange hair on his head: a mohawk of sorts that ran down the middle and two similar styled tufts of hair at the side.

The last male had fair-skin and straight grey colour with long bangs that covered his right eye. He wore a green shade of lipstick, and had dark markings around his eyes, giving him an androgynous appearance. The female of the four was a fair-skinned girl with a slender build and is the shortest member of the Sound Four. She had brown eyes that were accentuated by her eyelashes extending into the corners of her eyes and was usually sporting an impassive expression on her face.

Her most distinctive feature was her long, untamed red hair that falls past her shoulders with long parted bangs framing either side of her face and one between her eyes. She also wore a black hat with pipe-like stripes and bandaged sides, keeping her bangs in place while the rest is pushed back behind her ears to trail down her back. Sasuke equally glared at all of them while Menma smiled at the girl, getting his best pick up line ready. "Hey sweetness, did you come out of the oven, because you're hot!". the girl glared at him hard while the boys with her laughed at her.

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