24. To Get Here

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The wind was howling strongly, indicating that the storm was about to start soon. Dark clouds filled the sky, completely blocking out the sunlight. Right now, Naruto was standing on the head of Hashirama Senju in the Final Valley, staring at Menma's back. Menma was currently standing in the head of Madara Uchiha, staring at the pathway to Orochimaru's. They were dead silent, neither uttering a word due to their own personal reasons.

Menma was silen because he had his goals in mind and was feeling his growth in power since he has taken in the Black Nine Tails. He felt the Dark chakra course through his veins, smirking viciously. Even when wielding the original Nine Tails power, he never felt this powerful before. Orochimaru really knew what he was doing as this power was on a whole different scale of things. He felt like he can take on anything.

Naruto, on the other hand, was raging inside his head that he was so silent. The pain and suffering of Kichiro dying in that hospital because of him, plus the team he had lost because they all sacrificed themselves so he can get here, to Menma, so he can beat the ever living shit out of this kid and drag his ass back to a jail cell or the chopping block where either place really suits him as this boy. This lonely little fuck, was really pushing his borrowed time. Though he owed it to his father, he'd at least try the calm approach before things really got crazy. That was his job as a ninja of Konoha.

"Menma! You motherfucker!!!!" he shouted at his youngest brother. The hatred and malice in his voice were very much present in his greetings, he had it with this dude. Menma didn't even bother to turn to face Naruto, his back stayed to him, showing the same Uzumaki crest that he was very much disrespecting by deserting the village. Kurama was having a bad feeling in his gut. 'Kit, I'd watch out if I were you! Something is not right! He's acting weird? This.... Chakra! I've never felt something this..... Malicious since Madara! What is that!'. Naruto frowned as he heard that.

He already beat this lousy ass excuse of a ninja before but Kurama never said anything about malicious chakra before. Just what did Orochimaru's goons do to him? "So you actually followed me? You're brave". Naruto widened his eyes. Brave? He was brave for challenging him? What the fuck was his brother on? Like his ass wasn't eating his fists like a damn all you can eat buffet back at the Chunin Exams, all he took was fists to the face.

"Menma, turn around...." he said viciously. Menma laughed. "For what purpose?". Naruto was clenching his teeth hard. He was so angry he couldn't see straight. He took a lot of deep breaths in order to calm himself a little. "Whatever, I don't need to see your ugly face anyway. If I see your smug little face, I might just snap and outright kill you. Never mind, but nevertheless, by order of the Fourth Hokage you are to return to Konoha for your crimes of desertion and assault!". Menma turned his head slightly to his right, looking back at Naruto.

"Assult? Whatever could you mean, brother?". That made Naruto angry, he knew exactly what he did and he was just getting under his skin. On a regular day, this wouldn't have gotten as much of reaction of Naruto since he didn't acknowledge anything Menma or Naruko did but this time Menma went too far. Naruto's eyes went crimson with his slitted pupils and his three whisker marks darkened. "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK YOU DID! DON'T PLAY WITH ME, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. HOW DARE YOU?! IT WOULD'VE BEEN DIFFERENT IF YOU TRIED THAT SHIT WITH ME BUT.....to do that to Kichiro-".

Naruto was stopped when he heard manic laughing from in front of him. Menma was bent over, laughing like he was psychotic. "You feel it, don't you?! The despair.... Good, embrace it Naruto! That's all you'll feel from now on!". Menma finally turned around to face Naruto, his appearance though somewhat shocked Naruto. Half his face was transformed. While his right side was unchanged, his left side was enhanced. His two whisker marks were enhanced, like his own three on his face, and his canine teeth were sharpened on the same left side. His eyes though was what was bothering him.

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