47. Planted Seeds

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"Sneaky, sneaky, hush, hush, sneaky, sneaky, hush, hush!" Fugaku whispered as he easily slipped out the Uchiha house after making the sex with the Uchiha matriarch, which even he had to say, was very eventual. Sure he lacked the very feelings and hormones to feel attracted to such human feelings such as lust but from a person's perspective, Mikoto was quite a specimen. 'Though it did get weird when she was expecting some liquid to come out of me or something. Did she want me to like, pee on her or something?' He thought to himself.

What was the thing known as cum? He'd ask his leader for more information on the subject when he saw him, which would be in a couple of minutes, leading him to now. Zetsu was now tasked in reporting to Madara at midnight when the village is asleep. He was to report any ways he could exploit the weaknesses of the Uchiha. On his way though, he encountered Sayori, who was coming back a bit bruised up from her spar from Yakumo. "Damn, I know I won but that girl hits hard. Good thing she's a medic, she may have cracked some ribs....Tou-sama?" The Uchiha spotted her father at the entrance of the Uchiha compound.

'Shit! I wasn't thinking of running into her! What do I do?!....relax Zetsu....just play it cool'. With a calm and cool head, 'Fugaku' looked over to the female Uchiha in his stoic facial expression. "Tou-sama, what're you doing up at this hour? Police business?". "Um....actually...no...I was going to...take a stroll since I couldn't sleep and all. I didn't want to wake your mother". Sayori nodded her head in understanding. "Oh well....if you want I can walk with you. I need the cool down after a match anyway and tonight's a nice night-".

"NO!.....I mean....you should rest. After a proper spar, relaxing in bed after a hot shower is the best thing to do, am I right?" Fugaku said with a small smile. Sayori began to drool at the sound of that comforting thought of a hot bath and her warm and soft bed. "Hahhhhh.....yeah, totally! Nevermind then! Be safe!". As Sayori walked away, Zetsu began to think. 'I need to get closer to her. If I can do that. Taking them out will be much easier with much opportunities at hand'. Fugaku turned to put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Tou-sama?". "Sayori, I don't remember if I ever told you this but....I'm extremely proud of the woman you are becoming, of the Uchiha you are. The greatest honor I can have is having you as a daughter....". Sayori's eyes widened in shock, her father had told her he was proud of her as a shinobi and Uchiha but he never said he was proud to have her as a daughter before. Her eyes began to water as she tried to hide her tears. "T-T-Tou-sama....". Fugaku grabbed her and held her in a hug.

"I love you, Musume". This time Sayori was openly crying as even her Uchiha pride couldn't stop the joy and sadness of hearing those words that she longed for all these years. How long had she had to fight for these words from her father, where everyone else gets to hear this on a daily basis? Her father finally acknowledged her and told her that he loves her as his daughter. "I...I....I love you too, Tou-sama!". Fugaku smiled an innocent smile outwardly but on the inside, Zetsu was grinning evilly.

'Check mate'. He pushed her away and held her as he wiped her eyes with his thumbs. "Now, go inside and rest up, okay?". Sayori nodded her head as she wiped her eyes, her heart beating and her cheeks blushing but her grin was wide on her face. She turned to walk away but she turned back to talk again. "F-Father?". Fugaku turned to face a nervous Sayori.

"T-Tomorrow, I'm meeting Naruto-kun for Lunch at 3. Please.....join us. Let me introduce you to Naruto-kun properly, let me show you the kind of guy he is". Fugaku outwardly showed his uncomfortable feeling on his face but he was inwardly plotting on how to get to the Kyubi Jinchuriki. "You're really sold on that boy, aren't you?". Sayori nodded her head confidently. "I-I love him, and I want you two to get along. Please?". Fugaku sighed before he nodded his head. "Fine, I'll try...to be on my best behavior".

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