7.5 The Final Showdown

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At the bridge, the Genin team with their senseis stood there as before them was Zabuza and his apprentice, the Kiri nin. Kushina spoke. "So, looks like you're all better? Now last I checked, you were dead" she said in a sarcastic way. "Heh, well you shouldn't underestimate the power of Haku. The boy is severely talented. He has a rare ability that I have not seen before, a bloodline". Sasuke scoffed. "Well, it can't be greater than the Sharingan I bet". "Yeah, Sasuke-kun's bloodline rules!" Sakura backed him up.

Sayori glared at him. "You talk big game yet you still haven't unlocked it yet!" she said, embarrassing him in front of the enemy. Sasuke had enough and charged at Haku, ready to test his newfound power. Haku watched the Genin appear before him with little speeds before blocking a kunai with his senbon. The three jonin growled at Sasuke's impulsive action because Zabuza approached Sasuke and Haku. Mikoto charged at Zabuza, attempting to stop him from killing her son.

She blocked his kick with her back, launching her in the water. "Mikoto!" Kushina yelled as she charged in after her friend while Anko joined a little after because she turned to the Genin. "Alright Gakis, listen and listen good. Shit just hit the fan so I'm gonna have to back up ykyour sensei so we can't watch you, so here's the plan. Sayori, Yakumo and Menma, your job is to back up Sasuke's dumb ass. Sai, Naruko and Sakura, protect Tazuna. Zabuza might send some Clones that might zip pass us so watch yourselves! Go!" Anko shouted before grabbing a kunai and charged at Zabuza. "Arggg! Striking Shadow Snakes!". Anko's sleeves were releasing a lot of snakes that charged at Zabuza who cut them with his executioner's blade.

He then had to jump out the way from Kushina's vicious sword slash. Zabuza noticed that her blade was encased in a concentrated water whirlpool, a famous style that the Uzumakis invented for their Kenjutsu. It increased their range and was more of a water saw as it would cut into another anything. Once Zabuza saw that, he knew he had to be careful. These Kunoichi meant business. He soon had to duck from a roundhouse kick he would've received from Mikoto who had just resurfaced from the water recently, her Sharingan blazing. Zabuza analyzed the situation he was in.

Two S rank and one A rank. This was gonna be difficult. With Haku, the boy analyzed Sasuke, who just kept pushing his limits but Haku was only playing with the boy. Sasuke looked like a porcupine right now as he had a lot of senbon stuck around him. Sasuke began to wince in pain as he glanced at the Kiri nin. How was he this strong? He's barely older than he was and yet, he's fighting like a Jonin.

"You have talent" Haku started before he raised his hand full of senbon. "But that alone isn't enough. You lose". With that, Haku threw the senbon but luckily, Sayori and Menma blocked it with his kunai. "Heh, look at you Sasuke-teme, you look like a pin cushion!" Menma laughed slightly. "Sh-Shut up!" the male Uchiha shouted before nearly collapsing, getting Yakumo to aid him. Sayori turned to her. "can you watch him, Yakumo?". The Kurama clan members nodded her head. "It's fine! I got him!".

Sayori nodded while she activated her Sharingan while Menma cracked his knuckles. "Time to show this cross dresser the power of the Hokage's son!" Menma said before going through a hand sign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He yelled as multiple Menmas came out and charged at Haku. Sayori groaned. 'Where's Naruto-kun when you need him? We need a plan of action before just charging in! Oh well, can't be helped. Besides, I can analyze his fight pattern and determine an opening!' she thought.

Menma's clones came in contact with Haku but the boy was swift as he was suspicious underneath that mask. He quickly dealt with the clones with ease by throwing Senbon needles at them. "You'll have to do much better than that to beat me...". Sayori frowned. 'Close range would be suicide for sure. He's too quick with his needles and I'm not that fast. Long range is our best be-' she thought before Menma charged in with more clones. "Oh yeah?! You think you're better than me?!" he shouted he said going straight for Taijutsu.

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