40. Jutsu Training! The Flying Thunder God Challenge

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"So I have to do what exactly?". Minato turned to his son as they stood in the Uzumaki's personal training grounds, much to the Kitsune boy's discomfort. Since Naruto asked Minato for help, he was completely on the man's favor, as such he called the shots aka where to meet, when to meet and how long they were training for. Since he was in control of that, the Hokage saw it fit for them to train at his home, in his personal training grounds in hopes of keeping his technique away from onlookers.

While Naruto completely understood that, it didn't mean he had to like it though. Being back at the Hokage's house, despite just really being a guest here now, it brought memories of his past that he'd really just like to forget, it also didn't help that Kushina basically kept running back and forth, asking questions if they, aka Naruto, ate yet or if he was thirsty, which were all no since he ate at home. He always eats a relatively big breakfast before his big training exercises.

Though that didn't stop Kushina from stepping outside with Natsumi and watch them train, though she had to hold her before the little girl would crawl at her brother and father. Minato looked Naruto, dead in his eyes with the ultimate seriousness. "You have to essentially pour your chakra into the seal and charge your chakra within yourself to do the Jutsu.....simple". Naruto looked at his old man in a stupefied look. Was this S-RANK jutsu, the Jutsu that was damn near responsible for the end of the Third Great Ninja War, really that easy to use? "Really? That's it?". "Yep, that's all there is to it. Go and make the seal to prove my point". Naruto frowned, his instincts telling him that Minato was full of shit but he also never backed down from a challenge.

Naruto moved to copy Minato's seal but the man stopped him. "No, it has to be your own seal formula. What makes a this Jutsu better is that the user has it's own formula seal, the more unique the better the seal". Minato quickly pulled out his trademark Kunai. "See, look at mine. I did it different from the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. The Kanji in the seal, read them". Naruto grabbed the tri-pronged kunai and read through it. "Endurance.....Love.....of Sword? Why that?". "I don't know, for a regular shinobi who comes from a normal family, my endurance is top notch so that was kinda trait with me. I also moved fast and swift like a sword should so there is that as well. Those were unique and I had about me and used that for my seal".

Naruto shook his head, confusion taking hold of him. "Wait! So you mean to say that the Flying Thunder God Technique formula is basically just a random seal I can create?". "Basically, yeah. I mean, you could use the same seal as me but then, it wouldn't be really your Jutsu, right?". "It isn't my Jutsu, Minato, it's yours. I told you, I'm not really gonna use this technique. This was just supposed to be to help me understand the basis of Space Time Ninjutsu, remember?". Minato nodded his head, remembering that fact. "Y-Yeah, right but still, would you rather look at the seal of your father, saying that I mastered his Jutsu or would you rather look at your own seal and say this is your Jutsu?". Naruto moved to retort but he couldn't say anything that would counter what Minato said.

Sure, the Jutsu is still fundamentally the same jutsu his father used but the seals would say different plus, it may keep the enemy ninja clueless as people will probably remember the seal from the war. Naruto sighed as he wrote down some kanji on one of his own Kunai. Minato grinned as he moved to see what his son wrote. "Nine....Vital.....Sly....Fox?" He read the kanji characters before looking at Naruto. "Yep, I am the Nine Tails Jinchuriki and due to that and unfortunately being an Uzumaki, I have great vitality. I am pretty sly and cunning and I am this lands only Fox Summoner, it fits!" Naruto said, while Minato smile.

"Good. So what you're going to do now is pour your chakra into that seal. Just a tiny piece, no huge amount of chakra". Naruto nodded as he did as he was told, poured the tiny piece of chakra in the seal on the Kunai. Minato then grabbed the Kunai and threw it at a good distance of the yard. "Now, go to it". Naruto frowned before he moved to walk to it but Minato slapped his hand on Naruto's face and lightly pushed him back to his spot. "Don't be a smart ass. You know what I meant". "But how do I do that?!".

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