15. Chunin Exam Finals Part 2

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As the proctor signaled the fight to start, he jumped back, leaving the entire arena to the boys. Omoi quickly drew his blade while Naruto watched him with his eyes, judging his every movement before pulling out his own. He knew that Omoi comes from Kumo, so he should expect some lightning style jutsu from him and looking at his stance, he can tell he's a skilled Kenjutsu opponent. He glanced down at Kichiro in his pocket. "Remember, wait for my mark, okay. I might need your help alot in this battle". The small fox nodded as he waited.

Omoi tensed up as he watched him. To be quite honest, he believed he didn't stand a chance against this guy. 'This is the guy that turned Yugito into crispy bacon for about a week! If he can stop Yugito, who the hell am I to be able to beat him?! But if I don't try, Karui is gonna have my head and Raikage-sama will definitely lecture me and make me do those crazy workouts with him to improve my strength and will.... I'd rather not have that, so I'll fight!'. Naruto spoke to him. "Hey, you were with Yugito' s team right?".

Omoi sweat dropped, what an odd time to ask that question. "Uh...yeah, what about it?". "Tell me, is she doing okay? I didn't mean to hurt her so bad. Is she still bedridden?". "No, she was clear after the first week of the month long training! Why do you care?! It's the least of your concerns now!". Naruto sighed as he got in his stance. "I suppose you're right huh? Now let's begin then!". Naruto charged in with great speed that nearly overwhelmed Omoi as he barely blocked it with his katana.

Naruto moved and kept slashing with Omoi, who was picking up the pace in his attacks, but Naruto wasn't even breaking a sweat against him. Omoi went for a mid section slash but Naruto parried it with his strength but Omoi used his sword to usurp the weapon by hooking his blade around Naruto's to pulling it out of his hands, surpriseing him. "There! You're done now!". But as soon as the sword flew to the other side of Omoi, Naruto appeared right there to catch it. "Now take thi-huh?" Omoi said as he glanced at the spot Naruto should be.

"Over here". Omoi turned to see a blade coming down fast at him but again, Omoi was barely quick enough to parry it but Naruto used so much force that the sword spun from his hand and landed on the right of him, a few meters away from his reach. Naruto then moved quickly to kick the Kumo nin in his stomach that launched him a few feet back as he landed face up. In the stands, the Genin were in shock. Sayori rubbed her eyes. "Whoa, what the hell?! Naruto-kun was never that fast! I mean he was quick but this is just insane! He's even faster that when he fought Yugito! What is this?!". "I know, he just used the Body Flicker technique!" Haku said, confusing Sayori.

"Body what? What the hell is that?!". Mikoto smiled. "It's a technique that allows a person to instantly teleport to another location, usually someplace close to the user or a location that the person has been before. Itachi-kun's friend, Shisui uses it all the time, it's what gave him his name 'Shisui the Teleporter'. It's very rare for a person to use this in combat though as they have to be already pretty fast in reflexes. So for Naruto-kun to use it like that is pretty incredible". Sayori looked down at the fight. "Really? Is that what happened just now?"

Mikoto smiled at her daughter already getting used to calling him 'Naruto-kun'. "Well it makes sense if you couldn't see him with the normal naked eye seeing as he was just a blur but with your Sharingan, you can see it clear enough". Sayori widening her eyes as she saw her mother's eyes were activated at that point. She decided to do the same and see the match for her self, she needed to be able to keep up. Kushina shouted in pride. "That's it! Keep it up Sochi! You got him on the ropes! Make your kaa-chan proud!".

Tsunade frowned as she watched the kid. He was good, not gonna front about it and his technique with the blade is golden for his age, damn near Jonin level skill. Also, his speed is monstrous the way he tricked that Kumo nin and to top it off, he hasn't even used his Jutsu yet is what's frightening. She began to have worries that Menma might lose to him but she shook it off, she was sure Jiraiya thought of something to counter Naruto's skills. Mikoto thought to herself when she saw Naruto advance on the downed Kumo nin.

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