28. The Return

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In Konoha (Same day as Naruto in the Fox Den)

It was a calm and cool spring  day in The Village Hidden within the Leaves. It's been a long 3 years since the village's golden child has left for training and things have really calmed down in the village since then. Looking up in the sky though, no one can see it, there was a fast blue ball of chakra that was flying over Konoha. The chakra was flowing fast, making it to the streets it flew past normal areas of the villages before making its way to the outskirts of Konoha, where the Uchiha clan reside.

The little ball of chakra had flown into the Uchiha district, passing many of the proud clan members before heading to the house that's the farthest. It slipped into the building, passing through the young male heading to his younger sister's room and beating him there. Once it slipped into the room, the chakra saw its target, a young girl sleeping in bed. It descended on the girl before sinking itself in her body and entered her chakra system. 'Sayori Uchiha huh? I can't believe my last reincarnation is a girl, I hate Asura but still....seeing your potential, I can't say this is bad. Not bad at all....'.

The girl opened her eyes wide as she jumped up from her bed, a kunai in hand and ready to attack her intruder. The voice she heard was so strange. 'What the hell was that?!' she thought before she sighed, decreasing her awareness, thinking it was just a dream. Soon, a knock on her door was heard. "Imoto, are you decent?" her older brother asked. The girl nodded her head. "One second!". She said as she got out of bed, revealing to be in nothing but her bra and panties, both black.

Sayori had grown incredibly beautiful in her time growing up, her features remind everyone of a young Mikoto though her hair was something more of her twin bothers though it was definitely longer, reaching her back.

She began to put some clothes on. She put on a long pink blue blouse with a black strap that was like armour for her body that covered her breasts, that was a nice C-Cup in size. She then put on some black shorts followed by some leg straps with long Shinobi strapped sandals. She changed her head and from blue to black and wore it on her forehead. Last but not least, she grabbed her katana she gotten as a present for making Chunin a year back.

She opened her slide door, seeing her big brother, Itachi, standing there with a small smile. "Good morning, Nii-san" She said. "Ah, Good morning, Imoto. Breakfast is ready". Sayori smiled softly as she followed her brother down the stairs. "Itachi-nii, I was thinking, maybe we can spar together today? I wanna see where I stand in my power". Once Itachi and Sayori made their way to the bottom of the stairs, Itachi turned around and smiled softly. "You mean, you wanna see how powerful you are so that when he returns, you're not considered weak when you're with him".

That got the younger Uchiha's blood boiling, though was it because it was true or was it because she was caught on it, he'd never know but that didn't stop him from smiling. "Shut the fuck up, Itachi! You don't know anything!". Suddenly, the matriarch of the Uchiha household popped her head out of the kitchen doorway. "Language, Sayori-chan!". The young teen blushed under her mother's words "S-Sorry, Kaa-chan". After her mother left, Itachi smiled as he heads in the same room. "You're reaction was proof that I do know some things, don't you agree, Sayori-chan?".

Sayori glared so hard at her brothers head that she felt her eyes burn. She headed in after him after cooling off, sitting beside her mother, who had set the breakfast down. In front of her, was her father, Fugaku Uchiha, who was too busy reading the newspaper. Sayori frowned at him. It's been like this since she cussed him out at the hospital the two days after the failed mission to retrieve Sasuke and Menma. Fugaku would barely say a word to her besides the usual greetings and acknowledgement of her presence in the room. Other than that, not a word.

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