16. Chunin Exam Finals: Naruto Verses Naruko

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The civilians in the area were in the edge of their seats when the two boys were finally in the middle of the arena, just like they envisioned it. Out of all the matches, this was the most expensive ones. Civilians, Shinobi, Feudal Lords just about anyone with a fucking bank account had bet of this fight, a lot of people were voting for the Uchiha to win while whole another set of people were voting for the Sand kid doesn't get a scratch, the list goes on.

Fugaku was smirking with pride in the stands as he heard the people of the village shout his son's name. He was making the Uchiha proud and he was seeing it all, hopefully he'll win, unlike Sayori, the clan failure. She just didn't have what it takes to be a good Uchiha, her heart was too soft and kind, like her mother. And she was too busy looking at the Namikaze brat, Naruto. He didn't like Minato, not one bit. During there time in the academy, Minato was always the one to up him in every, the Rookie of the Year, Jutsu, Hokage, even his wife was his first choice but no, she fell for Minato and that made him hate Minato and Kushina along with those brats

He wanted to be Hokage, to have the Uchiha above them all where they belong but no. Ever since the Second Hokage, the Uchiha have been put in a bad light ever since and he was looking to rectify that, he just needed to wait. 'Just you wait, Minato Namikaze. This will be the last favor us Uchiha will do for the village before there will be some heavy.... Remodeling' he thought as he looked up at the Hokage's booth with a smug smirk on his face. Unknown to him though, an ANBU with red eyes looked at Fugaku's back with sadness but determination. He knew what's to come and he was ready for it but it didn't mean he liked what was coming.

Back in the fight, Sasuke backed up from the sand Shinobi. Gaara just watched him uncaring, like he lost interest in the fight with the Uchiha. Sasuke looked at Gaara's eyes as they weren't on him but somewhere else, somewhere up in the stands. He followed his glaze and saw that his true target was the Dobe: Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! It made his Uchiha blood boil. He trained and honed his body for this fight for a month with the crazy training routine that Kakashi put him through. The unique jutsu he learned from Kakashi, all this, just to be tossed aside for the dobe, the loser of his class? Not a chance in hell!

Sasuke activated his Sharingan and glared at Gaara. "You think me, an Uchiha elite, a nuisance huh?! You think that idiot up there is a better challenge than me?! You'll lose your life for even thinking of putting an Uchiha so low like that!" he said as he charged in at Gaara with immense speed that caught the Sand Jinchuriki off guard. 'He's fast! Just like that other one!' Gaara thought, thinking of Lee. Sasuke just kept appearing and disappearing around his sand shield, trying to confuse it so he can land a blow on him.

Sasuke successfully did as he kicked Gaara in his face with a high kick, launching the boy in the air before he crashed to the ground. Gaara got up, really annoyed by this. First Lee then Sasuke. Was he right to write him off so soon before the match? Could he prove to be a challenge, or possible next victim? 'You should kill him.... KILL HIM, I SAY!' a monstrous voice said. "But mother.... Would his blood... E-Even be good for you... I know y-you only like the best...". 'YOU IDIOT! HE'S AN UCHIHA! UCHIHA BLOOD IS ALWAYS THE BEST BLOOD! KILL HIM BEFORE I KILL YOU!".

Gaara grabbed his head and shook in pain and fear as the beast roared in his head. "I-I-I'm s-sorry mother... D-Don't get s-so mad at me.... I made you taste such awful blood earlier. The green spandex kid.... The Sound Shinobi... Such terrible choices. But here....". He gazed at Sasuke, then turned his head to Naruko, Menma and finally Naruto with his gaze dead on him. ".....The blood will only get richer from here on out!"

Naruto looked down at the fight with Gaara and Sasuke with calculative eyes. 'Kurama, why is Gaara saying mother like that. Is Shukaku on that sus shit or something?'. Kurama looked through Naruto's eyes and spoke. 'Honestly, I couldn't even tell you. I haven't seen that raccoon since Hashirama-teme began distributing the Tailed Beasts around to villages and even then, that was through Mito's seal. I don't know what the fuck happened with Shukaku but he's definitely on that weird shit, for sure! Torturing the poor boys mind'. 'Alright, that makes sense'.

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