56. Invasion Aftermath 2.0! New Hokage Rises....

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"What a terrible day for sunshine...." Naruto said, sitting on top the Hokage monument, watching the sun dance in the sky. When the sun usually shines is when Naruto is usually in a good mood. The sun in his skin was a genuine mood lifter. 'There was light shining down on the people, it's a good day' is what the sun meant to him. It means that it's another day for him to continue to strive towards greatness, be the best version of him that he could possibly be. But now, it feels like it's mocking him. How could he be happy after what happened? His home....his home is in shambles. Sure he fixed the village physically. He had Wood style and chakra to boot, it merely took him a day to rebuild Konoha back on its feet. But the heart.....the heart of Konoha weakened greatly. More than half of his people are dead, shinobi and Civilians alike and most importantly...

Naruro clenched his fist tightly. He wasn't about to cry, not when he told himself he was going to be strong. 'For Minato.....'. That's right, he did his duty as the Hokage to protect the village as much as possible. Given the opponents facing us, Konoha did pretty well. "Naruto...". The blonde turned his head to see his Sensei, Anko, in a black blouse and tube top with a long black skirt on. She had her hair in more of a neat bun rather than her usual messy one. "It's time....". Naruto nodded his head as he stood up from the head of the Fourth, walking over to meet his sensei as they both walked down the mountain together.

Naruto looked at his sensei and sent a slight diss. "Didn't think you owned anything that wasn't revealing. Usually, the Hot and Sexy Anko Mitarashi would be more than happy to grace us with the assets the heavens blessed her with". Anko smirked as she puffed up her breasts. "Believe me, I'm tempted. My sexiness is a pleasure to be seen by all! But Iruka won't allow me to so I wore this". "Where is he, anyway?". "He's with the Sarutobi Gaki. He's comforting him since his team sensei was one of the casualties....". Naruto frowned as his heart went out for the kid. "....seems that way for a lot of us". Anko looked at her student sadly. "Naruto-". "We're just lucky you made it out okay, Anko-sensei. I don't know what we'd do if we'd lost you too" Naruto said, bypassing her pity.

Anko sighed before she smirked, just going along with it. "Well, you'd probably be so lost without me. You three would probably take pieces of me with you to try and reanimate me since I'm a once in a lifetime kind a girl....". "....not that lost" Naruto said in a matter of fact tone before he found himself in a head lock. "NOT THAT LOST?! I SHOW YOU LOST....THEY'LL NEVER FIND YOU WHERE ILL STASH YOU!". Naruto and Anko continued to fight while walking. Onlookers would just shake their heads and turn away or fully watch the insanity that was happening before them.

"Anko-San, Naruto-kun, wait up!". The two turn their heads to see Haku walking up to them, wearing a black kimono with white flower pedals. "Jesus, do you own anything manly?". "My dick!" Haku snapped back at Naruto. "Whoa! The hostility is off the charts!" Anko said as the three began walking. Haku sighed as he rubbed his black sagging eyes. "Sorry....it's just.....been a rough couple of days". Naruto nodded his head in understanding. "She's still under huh?". Haku nodded sadly. "Tsunade did the best she could but there's no telling when she'll get better.....if at all-". "Don't say that! Yakumo is strong! I know her, she'll pull through!" Anko said in a fixed tone. She wouldn't have anyone badmouth the strength that her pupil had.

Naruto sighed as he kept walking. Yakumo had sustained some critical injuries during that fight with Jugo. Her bones were broken and her was stabbed quite a bit of times but the most worrying was her hand buy she'll pull through. Doctors were able to reattach it easily. The problem was the sickness that she went into. She fully released Ido, nearly shattering her consciousness. Naruto was able to bring her back but the mental sickness she's under right now. It's like she closed herself off in her mind and even the Yamanaka clan can't reach her in her subconscious. Doctors don't know when she'll wake. It all depends on Yakumo. 'I guess the thought of fully releasing a demon to terrorize her friend took a toll on her mentally.' Kichiro said. Naruto could only mentally shrug his shoulders at the fox. Because who knows?

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