27. The Test

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It was an endless abyss of nothing, nothing at all. That was all that even could be seen, which is an oxymoron since there was nothing to see. It was like the beginning of everything that's holy and unholy in the world before the big bang or Jesus Christ said let there be light, whatever you people believe in explains the beginning of the world. In a flash of light and slow intangible summon, three beings appeared. One was a deadly gorgeous pale skinned woman that had flowing black hair with red and white battle kimano with her warrior sword. She also had a bright orb on her right shoulder while a blue rock on her left shoulder.

The next one was a purple, almost dead skinned female with white hair with dead eyes and razor sharp teeth and claws in a white kimano with beads wrapped around her arms with a blade in her other hand. The Last one was just a petite thing, compared to the other two beings. He was small little blue entity with shaggy blue hair with matching blue eyes. He wore a light blue kimano and had brown book with him. These entities were known as Amaterasu or just goes by Kami, Izanami or more known as Shinigami and Omoikane, or they call him. Fate.

"So it's that time again, Isn't it Omoi-Chan?" Kami stared with a delicate tone of voice. "Y-Y-Yes, Amaterasu-sama. The time of rivals is upon us. It's truly an annoying time to deal with this". Izanami sighed. "I know, it's crazy. It's exhausting having to keep barfing up these nasty souls. They just need to stay down!". "Well be that as it may, Izanami-chan , you must do it. It is the balance of things. They wanted things to turn out this way so it's our job to make sure it stays that way untill one of them gives up so summon those two here already" Amaterasu started which made Izanami sigh.

"Oh alright fine! Just give me a sec". Once she said that, The Shinigami stuffed her hand through her mouth, down her throat and in her stomach, where she kept the souls. "No....not him....No....yuck, definitely not him..... Oh no those are arms, still waiting for that bitch.... Oh! Here we are!". After a long and awkward moment of Izanami going through her stomach full of dead souls, she then removed his arm from her mouth, pulling out two middle aged men.

One had long brown hair cut short on top. Two locks wrapped in bandages framed either side of his face. His eyebrows were cut short — a symbol of his nobility — and dark eyes. he gained minor wrinkles on the corners of his mouth and his hair grew flatter and came to mask his left eye. He wore a white battle kimono with magatams marks on his back and collar. The other soul was a middle aged man two with spikey brown hair. He wore what seemed to be a blank forehead protector and at a later time, bandages around his forehead. He wore a light-coloured kimono with magatama adorned around the collar. The kimono was held closed by a dark-coloured sash. Underneath, he wore a black full-body suit.

These two were sons of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, Indra and Asura Otsutsuki. The both had slowly opened their eyes and scanned the area before their eyes lanned on one another. "Brother...." Asura greeted passively. "Hn...... Asura" the elder brother responded. Indra looked around to find the entities that were responsible for resurrecting them. "I suppose there are suitable hosts for our reincarnation again". Amaterasu nodded her head.

"Yes, my child, there are suitable candidates for you and your brother's reincarnation. Though, I do hope you two would stop your bickering, at least by now but I, nor the other deities won't interfere. We can't interfere, no matter what. We must let you take your course so here, take a look". Kami soon summoned an image of the Shinobi world. Indra groaned. "I don't know why I get so anxious to see what's the next host is like. It's not like anyone will ever be like Madara again. He had the talent. No other of those weak Uchiha are even worth it" Indra spoke harshly of his own weak Uchiha creations. "Elder brother-". "My logical choice would have to be Sasuke Uchiha. He has enough talent and the hatred. Now you chose, Asura".

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