23. The Altercation

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With Menma

In a dark sewage system, with nothing but water that flooded the floor. It was like a sewage line that didn't really lead anywhere but two rooms in the vast area. In the middle of the two doorways, in the dark sewer, was Menma, who was unconscious. "Wake up, brat, we have much to discuss together....". "Come on, this is something you really wanna hear... SO WAKE THE FUCK UP ALREADY!". Menma's eyes just shot open, taking in his surroundings. He's been here before, as it was familiar to him. This was the place he'd go to, willingly or not, to pull on Nine Tails chakra. The difference was, he never heard any voices before, let alone two voices. Just the sound of raw powerful chakra swirling around in a cage that he can access at anytime.

Menma slowly got up, analyzing the room. "Come over here....." the low and dark voice spoke, which shook Menma a bit. He never heard something so menacing before in his life. He looked around, trying to find the person who spoke. "Holy shit, you're slow! On your right, you idiot. The right door!". He turned to the right to see a giant cage holding a being with yellow slitted eyes, glaring directly into his soul with razor sharp teeth looking to sink themselves into his flesh. At first sight, it made Menma jump and start to shake in fear.

It also didn't help that its chakra was enormous, enough to make him nearly throw up. "Come to me..... You worm....". Menma, with shaky legs, moved onwards to the mysterious being, very cautiously. Once he was in front of the cage that held it, the being spoke. "You harbour fear for me..... Good. You know not to mess with me, then. You also harbour deep hatred. Hatred for your village, hatred for your family and villagers who turned on you but most of all, you hold absolute abhorrence for your brother, Naruto".

Menma began to growl, losing a bit of fear he had towards the being once it spoke the name of his brother. The being saw his anger rise and he locked his lips. "Excellent! The thing I noticed with you humans is that whenever theirs darkness in one's heart, they try their very hardest to supress it, never letting it reach the light. But with you, brat. Hehehehe...... You let your colors show for what they're worth. I like that about you". Menma looked at the being in the cage with curiosity. "What are you?".

The being closed it's yellow eyes. "I..... Do not know. I was just created to be a source of mass chakra. I was held in a jar by that man, who had a very ominous and disgusting chakra. He created me with ability to wield dark chakra. He called me Black Nine Tails". Menma widened his eyes in shock. Now that he took a good look at the being, he had blended so well in the darkness of the cage but the entire time, he was staring at the entire body of Black Nine Tails. He just looked like a black colour version of the original Nine Tails with yellow eyes.

"So you're Black Nine Tails? How did Orochimaru make you?". "Beats the fuck outta me! Though in the jar, I heard him say to that glasses wearing prick that he was able to bargain with some doctor in the Sky village or something to get a sample, though he refused, so the killed him and took it by force. He used those samples to make me, I'm guessing". Menma scratched his head, he never knew their was a village in a sky. This world was weird sometimes. "Well, in any case, I'm gonna use your power to help me destroy my village and my brother and become the most powerful Shinobi in the lands. Naruto has no chance at stopping me!"

"Damn fucking right he doesn't!" a new voice spoke. Menma turned around and saw....him. Another version of him. "Menma, you rude fuck, aren't you gonna say hi to your long time pal?!" it said. Menma was confused on a whole different level. Why was he looking at himself? Also, why was he so goddamn hot? He didn't understand why girls turned him down! He was an Adonis. "What are you, now?!". The other Menma smiled as he pointed to himself with his thumb. "Well, that's easy to answer! I'm you! The you that you have accepted and love through. I'm the evil you. I'm the one you need to get behind. With me around, you'll have the power to sync with Black Nine Tails as it thrives off of negative feelings, kinda like the real Nine Tails".

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