5. The C RANK Mission

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The next few months went off pretty well for Naruto as he was living his life as a full fledge Shinobi. Ever since he moved out, things have been calm for him and he never had to look out for anyone but himself and his little fox, Kichiro. His training with Takeo-sensei has been going well as he was able to remain fit as ever and not slacking off in any shape or form.

The only problem was his 'family'. They wouldn't leave him alone or more likely, Kushina, Naruko, Tsunade and Jiraiya wouldn't leave him alone. Minato and Menma seem to have gotten the hint by now. Whenever Naruto is strolling through the empty streets, somehow his wayward sister would find him and barrage him with multiple questions, mostly ones that involve him into going back home with them, which was an obvious no.

Then was Kushina being the weirdo that she is would sneak into his apartment almost every night and watch him sleep, even going so far as to cook him breakfast with a little note, saying that she loved him and wished for him to come home. He remembered because Kichiro had woken up one night and smelt her and chased her off by nearly waking up Naruto. The fact that she could just easily sneak in his home like that made him uneasy just because she wasn't the only one who did it.

Jiraiya seemed to make put it upon himself to enter his home on numerous occasions, for what, he had no clue but he needed to put a stop to all this annoyance. Tsunade was a entire different excuse. Anytime he even walked the same street as her and she spotted him, she would go into an enraged fit, demanding he head back home and apologize to his family.

The plan obviously didn't work as he instantly used the Substitution Jutsu on a Clone he made while using a Transformation Jutsu on it to disappear on Tsunade, he just didn't have the time nor the power to deal with her at those times. It was getting to be a pain and he needed to get rid of.

Right now, he was getting ready to leave his house to go to his team meeting. Team 12's has been progressing quite well under the guidance of the Snake Mistress of Konoha. During the few months of doing those awful D RANK missions, the teamwork of the group had grown since the beginning. He and Yakumo have become closer friends. He understands her burden and her desire to become a great Kunoichi with Genjutsu, surpassing Kurenai Yuhi.

His relationship with the Uchiha was a bit better. I mean, she's still a bitch but they moved towards rivals that knew each other's secret powers other than enemies.


We find Naruto in on of the village's training grounds where everything was private. He loosened up a bit with Kichiro and was ready to summon his teachers. He did the hand signs and slammed his hands down, letting Sayo and Takeo appear. "Hello Naruto-kun, Kichiro-kun it's been a while hasn't it? How have you kit's been?" she said sweetly which warmed Naruto's heart.

"We've been great, Sanyo-sensei! Sorry for not summoning you for training. We've just been a little busy with the missions lately. Ever since I became a Genin, my time is limited". Takeo scoffed. "Bullshit, you just wanted to skip out on my training! Didn't you?!" he threatened with a sadistic smirk which caused Naruto to sweat. "N-No its true, Takeo-sama, Naruto-kun really did become a Genin not too long ago, on my fox snout I'm telling the truth!" Kichiro pleaded for his master.

Takeo rolled his eyes and sighed. "Whatever. Look, let's just get to the base of this Kenjutsu stance. You have your bokken with you correct!" he said, getting into his human form and got into his  stance. Naruto nodded his head as he went into the beginner's stance. Takeo smile a bit. "You mastered the stance but have you mastered the BASIC KATAS?!".

Takeo charged at him in speed that was slow enough for him but fast for Naruto's eyes as he blitzed to him. He swung his bokken on Naruto, making the Blonde raise his wooden sword to defend himself from his strikes. His movements were smooth and Naruto was blocking well. "Yes, you've been practicing, that I can see. Well done...." he said after a minute of sparring. Naruto widened his eyes. "W-Wait that's it? Just a minute of sparring and we're done?". Takeo turned back into his regular fox form, walking to the side.

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